Alert: We have two wild horses on the wrong side of the metal fence in the Phon D area.
Alert: We have two wild horses on the wrong side of the metal fence in the Phon D area. The fence used to be down, but was fixed by the Forest Service on the 24th. (Today is the 28th) These are videos from our gamecams we put there just for this purpose. The wrong side of the fence has no access to water. There is no gate in this metal fence, so it is imperative that we find them and somehow get them back to the river! The metal fencing ends in a cattleguard on one side, and the road (Bush Hwy) on the other side and we have no FS authorization as of yet to cut the metal fence. We were out all last night looking for them and we are out in full force today, to get this mission accomplished. They are Bruno and Archibald. (Bruno last year helped keep the lost domestic horse safe)
Please pray and keep your fingers crossed we find Bruno and Archibald! Thank you! SRWHMG.
We found Archebald and Bruno! Trying to update our followers as fast as possible, thank you everyone! Stay tuned.