Snow in Prescott! Rescues Gideon and Snow are having fun, too!
These Alpine wild horses are living happily ever after in Prescott, AZ. Today is going to be a good day!
We want to thank each and every one of you who helped to make this happen for them.
Its been such a nightmare journey, but life is about to get good again for them! This is Martin’s band!
💕Your support means far more than you know in this seemingly endless battle. Thank you for pulling out all the stops to save the last Alpines at the Cleburne auction last night! With the help of P.A.W 4 The Foundation , they are on the trailer to their forever sanctuary Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary right now!! Nirvana will do their best to post as soon as they arrive today.
All because they know how much we care and how much our supporters care!
It is essential to recognize that the abuser failed to provide adequate care for these horses, bears full responsibility for their plight, rather than those who were deceived by his false promises. He purchased these horses bidding against Charlotte.
This is a last resort!
There is not much time to raise the funds necessary to save them!
We wanted to know how the public feels about Tristan and his mares.
Now presenting a video showcasing the events of yesterday, highlighting the bond Tristan has established with his mares.
One of our Salt River stallions, Tristan, disappeared for a while to the reservation. Then a week or so ago, here he comes back to the river, with 3 new mares and a yearling!
Guardian, Pioneer, Doula, Yang and Brave, abd 2 Jessica mustangs who will need a name, they will form their own little band at Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary, but they might also run into some of their family members there once their quarantine period is over!
Guardian, Pioneer, Yang, Brave and this is Doula, the Alpine mare who’s foal was shot in front of her. In addition, with last minute incredible donors, two more mustang mares are coming onto Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary transport too!!
ALL 5 Alpines plus 2 “Jessica” Mustangs on their way home to Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary!!
Because of the many questions, here is a video explaining why.
Thank you to all of our searching volunteers today!
For those who may be infrequent visitors to the Lower Salt River, and, to a lesser degree, those who visit every day: have you ever taken a photo of a baby and then, a few years later, wondered, “Where are they now?” Well, you’re in luck today as we take you back to March of 2016.