Happy B-Day, Rosco & the Rescue Program!
Today is Rosco’s 4th birthday and the anniversary of our Rescue Program.
The significance of today is that 4 years ago, we did not have much. At that time we were about 15 people with big dreams of treating wild horses humanely and of course a determined leader. Today, our organization has grown to over 100 volunteers / a rescue facility we operate out of / state protected wild horses / plus a contract to manage them humanely.
With all of our hearts we thank those of you who are supporting our programs with a monthly donation. Without that we would not be able to offer these rescues their happily ever after, which they so deserve. To give a donation for Rosco or to become their guardian, check out our donations page.
Even while our rescues can’t be returned, we want them to have a life that resembles being wild. That means they get to have a family band, with a lead stallion and lead mare, they get room to run around and do whatever they want, but they also get 3 meals a day and lots of love from volunteers.
It all started with Rosco…this is his story:
Rosco’s mare was witnessed trying to give birth to him, but the new lead stallion of the band appeared to be attacking the foal even before he was fully born. He was bearing teeth and trying to stomp on the newborn. The stallion made Rosco’s mom abandon him immediately after his birth.
It was shocking, and we do not know the reason for it, especially since that stallion has never done anything like it since, and he raises foals with love – even ones that are not his biological offspring.
So we thought that maybe something might be wrong with Rosco. After waiting a good amount of time to see if the stallion and the mare would come back for him, (as well as waiting for authorization) we then scooped up the lonely little foal, and took him to the vet for colostrum and plasma, because without the important mothers milk, newborn foals perish quickly.
We fed Rosco every hour and eventually paired him up with surrogate mare April, who was also very lonely, since she had lost her own foal. After reteaching Rosco how to nurse, the two were amazing together. But the owner wanted to breed her again, and the two would have to part early. With our first raised 2000 dollars, we decided to purchase her. April did good, after raising not one but two of our rescued foals, she is now retired and also lives at our facility in Prescott.
Nothing was wrong with Rosco, and he is a healthy happy 4 year old gelding today. Rosco in the wild, would now be a bachelor and he would roam around with bachelor buddies.
He is doing just that, at our Prescott location with his buddies Pacman and Diamond. (who were rescued after him.)
Rosco’s mom in the wild went on to have 2 more healthy foals after him, and they all remain wild and free. However, this year, because of our fertility control program, she will get a break from having another foal. She is not pregnant.
We are proud to be able to say that in these last 4 years, no horse in this herd has been left to suffer, if it needed help.
Please like and share for Rosco. Happy Birthday big boy!
Humanely managing wild horses, for the public and by the public, SRWHMG.