Hay Santa! (Christmas fundraiser)
December 20th
Check out this video here!
This is momma Brighteyes and her 2020 foal Moonshadow, plus her 2019 yearling Angeleyes, hungrily eating their pile of hay at the feed station. We need to be able to continue to do that until the forage situation improves on the range. This means distributing literally TONS of hay to 4 different feed stations around the forest, but the hay is running out again fast. The price of the weedfree hay went down a bit, so right now it is $6200 per semi-load and we would like to buy 2 more. So Santa, all we want for Christmas is to get every Salt River wild horse through this challenging time. Will you buy a bale for them? Just click the donate button on this post! THANK YOU! SRWHMG
Even when not Christmas time, you can buy them hay with the Supplemental Feed Program! Learn More!