These two burros are about to become little victims of our advancing civilization!
July 14th
These two burros are about to become little victims of our advancing civilization!
The town of Apache Junction has aquired this large former tract of state land. A subdivision is being built right where these little burros live and where their waterhole is. They now have civilization and roads and fences on all sides of them and the bulldozers are getting closer every day. These little burros have nowhere to go.
AZDA and SRWHMG are working together in order to help them, because otherwise they will have a sad ending and we can’t have that. We have been bringing them water and food and we are currently creating a plan for their rescue.
It is a logistic challenge, since these are extremely wild and skiddish burros and it will be difficult to get a horsetrailer in without getting stuck. Our plan is to try to get close enough to dart them with sedation and then carry them into our horse trailer. But they need to let us get close enough to dart them.
Update: we just found out that this may be the burro of a lady in San Tan who once lost a BLM burro and never found her again. If this is the case, then this little mama had a baby and did a good job rewilding herself! But in any case, we sure cannot let anything bad happen to them and we will further investigate.
We do not charge the government for any of our humane missions. Our dartguns come in handy for all sorts of projects and we could really use another one for this one! They cost $2900, If you’d like to support our humane missions, please go to www.SRWHMG.org. and donate, thank you so much!
Thank you everyone!! 💕