We are happy to report all 3 babies are doing well even in 110 degree Arizona weather! Everyone stay cool and be cool to wild horses please, thank you!
“They can see the Salt River wild horses in their natural habitat. In their beautiful family bands,” said Simone Netherlands, president of the Salt River Wild Horse Management group.
Thank you ABC15 Arizona for visiting our property and examining wild horse generated fire reduction. Please do the horses a favor everyone, and give them credit for their positive contributions!
#Adamsfire is the sixth near horse habitat and our Hwy 87 headquarters, in just the last few weeks! It is currently at 3500+ acres, but growing fast.
This fire season is just so dangerous but we feel a lot safer with the horses mowing and reducing the fire fuels. Its a million dollar job they are doing for free and they should be appreciated for it!
That is the smoke you can see from the river, but it is not threatening any wild horses at this time. Airtankers are on it!
We’d hate to think what could have happened with the diesel and gasoline depot 300 yards in path of where it was going. Thank you Cricket, Larry and Johne!
It’s yet another innocent equine dumped in the U.S. Forest Service-Tonto National Forest, found by our amazing all vigilant road patrol team. The poor guy was dying of thirst for real and would have been dead by now, without us. Hello people, domestic horses do not survive in the wild! Plus he was dropped off in an area with NO access to the river!
With the Center for Biological Diversity👹 (CBD) threatening all of our progress that’s been made, it’s important to remember where it all started.
Thanks to a very quick and effective response from the U.S. Forest Service-Tonto National Forest, this is all that’s left of the 85 acres of the #87fire!
The first lawsuit was dismissed with prejudice, and yet the Center for Biological Diversity filed basically the same lawsuit, but this time it is over the fee agreement for the Salt River horse liaison.
In Arizona you are highly likely to run into wild horses when paddling, especially on memorial day weekend, and many paddlers today already have!
We’re sharing this from HAWS because, well, who doesn’t love a wild horse hero?
We want to highlight one volunteer in particular who goes above and beyond!
We find that these retirees usually seem pretty happy in their old age. They’ve given up chasing after the ladies and seem very content that way.
Here is the beloved family band of Venus and baby Iris, and they are unwittingly hard at work. Does anyone have a guess as to the comparative monetary value of this fire fuel reduction?
For the lady who confidently claimed that wild horses don’t eat dried up weeds because it has no nutritional value- they do!
Watch this stallion battle! Killian is unstoppable! He came from the river to the hills, to see if he has better luck stealing a mare here. The grey is Bobby, the defending lieutenant to Avery’s band. Will Killian be successful? Watch the battle unfold! P.S. both stallions got away with a few battlescars but are …
This is a wonderful video of her horse training skills, which is how she helped out wild horses, even long before she founded the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group.
Thank you Salt River wild horses and thank you TNF. Everyone stay safe.
Our managing director, Destini has been with SRWHMG since 2015 and her selfless dedication has helped make a huge difference since then.
Bachelor stallion Killian attempts to pick off a mare for himself! Watch what happens.
No one did anything wrong in this clip- this is just to show how they have learned to deal with the craziness, because one way or another, they want to stay cool too!
Happy Mother’s Day to all our moms of every species, everywhere.
Pacman celebrated his 8th birthday April 2nd, and he is healthy, happy and enjoys life with his buddies Rosco & Diamond. If you would like to sponsor Pacman, please visit his sponsor page!
This video is grainy because it is 100 TIMES zoomed in!
Peanut is a very smart horse and a goofy boy. He loves our volunteers, his newest best friend Agave, and playing with his favorite toys, and helping the volunteers with any chore they may be doing.
EagleEye, a stunning 2016 son of Brighteyes (and brother to MoonShadow, Angeleyes, Buckeye, and Hawkeye ) leads a band of five! With his beautiful ladies, EagleEye demonstrates his capability as a reliable and attentive leader. At just 8 years old, and without a lieutenant, we commend him on his dedication to his band. Happy Cinco …
This is from our gamecam sequence, a very good way to keep an eye on them without disturbing their routine.
On this Mother’s Day, give a gift that makes a difference: a mother and foal necklace.
Learn more details about the Salt River wild horses and the new lawsuit against them. Simone Netherlands was interviewed by Equine Collaborative International (ECI) for their “The Fight To Save The Salties” webinar.
Thank You for forging the path, leading the way, and accomplishing the impossible!
Well said on our Salt River Wild Horse – Advocates page, by photograpgher Cheryl Voss. To join the community page for the Salt River horses, just agree to the page rules, and see thousands of current pictures and videos! Thank you to the 61000 followers and photographers there. SRWHMG. Cheryl Voss | Salt River Wild …
On this national help a horse day, we want to welcome little Strider and send him many blessings for a long and healthy life in the Tonto National Forest!
Split-second decisions like the jump over the rock and a flying change around the corner are all part of him learning and growing up wild and free.
During this Volunteer Appreciation Week we honor the commitment of our volunteers who work selflessly towards a common goal – the humane management of the Salt River wild horses.
Observations by thousands of people documenting in real time, show that while horses do eat forage, they don’t destroy it. In fact the daily documentation proves the opposite.
Sacajawea lost a premature foal in 2020 due to a stick in her belly that became infected. She was so upset for days, we really wanted her to have a healthy baby one day. Here is her son, and great great grandson of Shadowfax! (Shadowfax -> Flicka – > Winnetou – > Sacajawea -> new …
We hope someone just lost her, because we have no space! We need help!
This video may not be for everyone, but she was lucky, great teamwork saved her. She is doing ok still at the vet and is expected to recover! GREAT JOB EVERYONE.
Note: Voting is over! See a future post for results. Let’s make a difference with Splendor’s little brother’s name! We’ve got three fantastic options, which one do you think will make a positive impact? We are doing this as fair as possible, so that once he has his name, he will be forever honored with …
The dun is Hemi, a lovely riding horse who decided he wanted to get to know our Tiago, (the grey in the front) and got himself loose from his owner.
This is a challenge! Help to name the newest member of the Salt River herd! We definitely need the help of the public as we do not even have consensus on the 3 best names to vote on yet.
Ty was born April 14th, 2023 in a world where he was not welcome in his historic home of the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, but where he was very welcome here at SRWHMG!
“😍 It’s a special #FoalFriday for us at RTF! — Meet Carlson, an adorable colt born on Wednesday morning to one of the rescued Alpine mares! “
Splendor cannot stop kissing his little brother! Mom is advising caution ; ) Video by SRWHMG photographer Cricket Weber.
Splendor welcomes a little brother and he has the cutest blaze! Another naming vote will be coming up and suggestions are welcome again.
The newest addition to the Salt River horse herd is hereby named “Iris”!! (By a large margin)
As the first “on purpose” foal, here are some of the details we factored into the decision to leave mare Venus “open”.
Venus is the first Salt River mare we left “open” on purpose and she produced a beautiful little filly born on March 25th 2024.
This is the hardest part of our job, dealing with natural losses. Please be warned that this is not a happy post.
Breyer is going nite-nite after his 4th long day of living. It was touch and go at first, but he is doing so much better with his antibiotics!
This is our advocates page in case you are looking for it. Enjoy Amazing pictures and videos of Salt River wild horses there by great photographers and videographers who are willing to stick to the “respectful” rules…
The Ladies, 8 mares and 3 weanlings arriving from Texas into a special needs pasture. They explored the fence line and met their neighbors and quickly chowed down after the journey from Texas. More mares will arrive soon and we expect to see more foals very soon! Thanks to everyone who supported the rescue @srwhmg …
URGENT WARNING- Don’t be fooled! Please be aware this is NOT our page, – the name “Arizona Salt River Wild Horses” is deceiving, and seems to be impersonating us, and therefore it is growing fast. However, they use the popularity of the horses against them, so we feel this warning is needed.
Grace was so emaciated, there was no telling that she was pregnant! Help us raise funds for Breyer!
No saddles or reins, no whips or restraints, living like centuries ago, in nature with a river aflow, in Arizona their protection is law, so that everyone can watch them in awe.
Here is an official update (and some additional pictures of more identified horses) from SRWHMG, ASIAB and RTF (the “Bowie/Alpine rescue collaboration”) on the Alpine wild horses. (who were removed from the Apache Forest in Northern Arizona)
Here are some questions answered and myths dispelled, about the horses and about our programs:
Have a wild St. Patrick’s Day! The horses are loving the green and we hope u do too. Please watch them responsibly from 50 ft distance.
Our PZP fertility control program accomplishes herd reduction also, but preserves herd dynamics, and does not pose a risk to horses’ health or the viability of the herd. That’s a huge difference we want congress and the public to understand.
These great lawnmowers of the forest are doing important fire abatement and also spread seeds of live trees through their manure, which also is great fertilizer!
Your voice is still the single most important part of keeping them wild and free. Here’s why, listen until the end! Thank you!
Unfortunately there is still, or rather again, a lawsuit against the Salt River wild horses that claims the horses have decimated the habitat. However, what these organizations claim is that our dry season is caused by the horses, but in actuality its just our hot Arizona temperatures that make the forage wither and die. The …
Fynn’s sire is Lancelot and dam Felicity, and he is stunning. With each year older he gets; he looks more and more like his dad.
Here is an update on Alpine wild horses Bear and Swan and Birdie for whom we raised the funds to be reunited and go to Nirvana sanctuary this Christmas. It’s so beautiful to see them get back what was taken from them. Thank you to all of our donors and thank you to Nirvana Sanctuary!
Can you believe it’s been 8 years since we rescued our first Salt River wild horse? Yes, Rosco needed to be rescued on the day he was born!
We spent $60,000 on bridging the gap in forage this year and, with Tonto National Forest currently covered in green grasses, this necklace will help pay our hay bills!
This is the Alpine baby, Jahmez, was so weak that he needed plasma to survive. Therefore, he and his mommy now live at our SRWHMG property.
Just like Alpine stallions Phoenix and Blizzard, sometimes things are clearly black and white: The way these American Icons are treated by our government is so wrong, and the way the public fights for them is so right.” states Simone Netherlands , Salt River Wild Horse Management Group in an update on the Alpine situation.
We had to buy a bunch of paneling and her shelter to quarantine her, but we made it work! Her right hind is a little off so now that she is ours, we will get her assessed by our vet and get her feet and teeth done after which we will be looking for the perfect home for her.
With our large volunteer force, we monitor the horses daily, help them cross the roads when necessary and we are available for horse emergencies 24/7, through our hotline, (480) 868-9301.
Become a valued monthly sponsor and receive your very own Heartbeat Necklace today!
Are you looking 👀 for that perfect special someone? SRWHMG has the just the right place!
It is a SRWHMG tradition to see which team our rescues will pick as the winner.
We found Tex had died from natural causes due to his old age of at least 24. Wild and free from beginning to end, and forever more.
How did this domestic emaciated horse appear here between 6.30 and 7.30 pm?
Lessons from wild horses- how to weather a storm: Don’t panick, don’t run, stand your ground, be patient, know that it won’t last forever, and most importantly stay close to the ones you love.
In regards to hate on social media, towards anyone who’s ever even rescued even one horse… we don’t like it. It seems like a feeding frenzy over something that could very well be nothing. Of course, if horses are in trouble anywhere, we don’t like that either and we understand the concern. So we are …
Too little time in a day, but here’s what’s going on in our neck of the woods. (Also see this reel) This is Amarillo and old Burnie. To our horror they also became stuck behind the metal fence that was fixed last week! (It had been down since the big flood, so horses made a ...
During our long hiking trips to find Bruno and Archibald the other day, we also found this gorgeous German Shepard running scared and confused in the Phon D area. Of course, after making sure Archibald was okay, we had to stay and rescue this beautiful boy too! He was a real challenge to catch, as ...
Bruno and Archibald, two wild horses, one of them is on the wrong side of the 4-mile long metal fence (no access to water) and one is on the right side of the fence (the riverside). Bruno could have left his buddy easily, but he did not leave his side and kept encouraging Archibald, who ...
Alert: We have two wild horses on the wrong side of the metal fence in the Phon D area. The fence used to be down, but was fixed by the Forest Service on the 24th. (Today is the 28th) These are videos from our gamecams we put there just for this purpose. The wrong side …
Another beautiful rainy day in the Tonto National Forest and the rainbow promises great forage for the horses, fingers crossed! Have a great day everyone!
As most of our followers already know, we manage the Salt River Wild horses humanely under contract with the Arizona Department of Agriculture (AZDA) and cooperation with the Tonto National Forest. The Salt River horse Act that was passed in 2016 and signed in 2017, is what made this novel cooperation and humane wild horse …
Let’s talk about wild horses and their environment! Do they ruin it or do they help it?