Can you believe it’s been 8 years since we rescued our first Salt River wild horse? Yes, Rosco needed to be rescued on the day he was born!
We spent $60,000 on bridging the gap in forage this year and, with Tonto National Forest currently covered in green grasses, this necklace will help pay our hay bills!
This is the Alpine baby, Jahmez, was so weak that he needed plasma to survive. Therefore, he and his mommy now live at our SRWHMG property.
Just like Alpine stallions Phoenix and Blizzard, sometimes things are clearly black and white: The way these American Icons are treated by our government is so wrong, and the way the public fights for them is so right.” states Simone Netherlands , Salt River Wild Horse Management Group in an update on the Alpine situation.
We had to buy a bunch of paneling and her shelter to quarantine her, but we made it work! Her right hind is a little off so now that she is ours, we will get her assessed by our vet and get her feet and teeth done after which we will be looking for the perfect home for her.
With our large volunteer force, we monitor the horses daily, help them cross the roads when necessary and we are available for horse emergencies 24/7, through our hotline, (480) 868-9301.
Become a valued monthly sponsor and receive your very own Heartbeat Necklace today!
Are you looking for that perfect special someone? SRWHMG has the just the right place!
It is a SRWHMG tradition to see which team our rescues will pick as the winner.
We found Tex had died from natural causes due to his old age of at least 24. Wild and free from beginning to end, and forever more.
How did this domestic emaciated horse appear here between 6.30 and 7.30 pm?
Lessons from wild horses- how to weather a storm: Don’t panick, don’t run, stand your ground, be patient, know that it won’t last forever, and most importantly stay close to the ones you love.
In regards to hate on social media, towards anyone who’s ever even rescued even one horse… we don’t like it. It seems like a feeding frenzy over something that could very well be nothing. Of course, if horses are in trouble anywhere, we don’t like that either and we understand the concern. So we are …
Too little time in a day, but here’s what’s going on in our neck of the woods. (Also see this reel) This is Amarillo and old Burnie. To our horror they also became stuck behind the metal fence that was fixed last week! (It had been down since the big flood, so horses made a ...
During our long hiking trips to find Bruno and Archibald the other day, we also found this gorgeous German Shepard running scared and confused in the Phon D area. Of course, after making sure Archibald was okay, we had to stay and rescue this beautiful boy too! He was a real challenge to catch, as ...
Bruno and Archibald, two wild horses, one of them is on the wrong side of the 4-mile long metal fence (no access to water) and one is on the right side of the fence (the riverside). Bruno could have left his buddy easily, but he did not leave his side and kept encouraging Archibald, who ...
Alert: We have two wild horses on the wrong side of the metal fence in the Phon D area. The fence used to be down, but was fixed by the Forest Service on the 24th. (Today is the 28th) These are videos from our gamecams we put there just for this purpose. The wrong side …
Another beautiful rainy day in the Tonto National Forest and the rainbow promises great forage for the horses, fingers crossed! Have a great day everyone!
As most of our followers already know, we manage the Salt River Wild horses humanely under contract with the Arizona Department of Agriculture (AZDA) and cooperation with the Tonto National Forest. The Salt River horse Act that was passed in 2016 and signed in 2017, is what made this novel cooperation and humane wild horse …
Let’s talk about wild horses and their environment! Do they ruin it or do they help it?
Wo, while we were LIVE streaming to show what wild horses do in the rain, shots rang out close by, and all the horses started running!
We are receiving some more pictures from "All Seated in a Barn" (ASIAB) and "Return to Freedom" (RTF) of our Alpine wild horses in the quarentine facility. We are so happy to find Honor, a very special young survivor! Check out Honor's face, which is quite deformed from a (former) broken nose. This would have ...
We posted a fun reel with “Islands in the stream” tunes, but maybe not everyone is reading the post to go with it, so here it is without the song, although the song was really fun: If we could just all sail away to a loving world! Update: While Alpine wild horses are quite …
Islands in the stream that is what they are, so loving, living happily, like a family, taking care of eachother. But its only possible because of our donors! These are our Salt River Rescues at our Rescue property along the Beeline. While Alpine wild horses are quite used to snow and cold, our own …
Update!! All 45 mares, foals, yearlings and stallions (now geldings) who were saved at the Bowie livestock auction, by the combined rescue efforts of ASIAB, SRWHMG and RTF are doing great! They were luckily already used to very cold weather in Alpine. They will be staying in their huge arenas with ASIAB in Texas, until …
January 13 at 11:16 AM Our president Simone Netherlands continues to be a strong voice for the humane treatment of the Salt River wild horses, and all wild horses everywhere. (It’s why she gets so attacked by the opposition) We want to thank everyone for the great turnout and love for wild horses. Thank you …
Salt River wild horses are well equipped to deal with 121°F extreme summer heat, but also do just fine crossing the river in 26 °F yesterday morning. Yikes that’s some cold wet feet, and a 95 degree total range in temperature they deal with, as if it’s no biggie! Now that’s wild! Enjoy this close …
If tonight you cannot sleep, count wild horses instead of sheep. Your welcome! zzz SRWHMG.
It was 28 degrees this morning on the Salt River, where freedom and tranquility still reign. Every one of your shares and likes is a voice for the horses. You are our PR firm, because we cannot afford a real PR firm. Please be aware of the pages where people are very unsupportive, even with …
A wonderful update on Eleonore's surgery from ROAR, thank you Jessica! Fingers crossed and prayers needed for Eleonore's healing! Her surgery went well, but in this mornings vet update her blood cell count was a tad high, so Eleonore will stay at the vet so they can keep a close eye on her, until she ...
SRWHMG is dedicated to the protection and humane management of the Salt River wild horses and all wild horses everywhere. So close to being gone forever, these horses still roam wild and free in their rightful habitat. This is a stark contrast with other herds who are ending up at slaughter auctions, which is so …
January 6th Video update from Simone Netherlands after a stressful day working for our 6 Alpine wild horses at the Bowie livestock auction. We are so so thankful to YOU our supporters and everyone who donated!! It doesn’t matter who you donated to, because all the funds are counted together because we are all working …
The first weekend of the new year is starting off terrible, with the sale of 6 more Alpine wild horses at the Bowie auction in Texas. The average person has no idea this is happening, so please share to expose it? Thank you ABC15.
Rail Lazy H (Jackie Hughes), contractor for the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, has once again sent Alpine wild horses to the Bowie kill auction in Texas, where hundreds of horses each month end up on trucks to the Mexican slaughter houses, unless someone saves them. Without any notice at all, horse advocates have ...
Salt River wild horses are slowly waking up waiting for the sun to rise. Some are stretching and two young ones are playing a friendly mouthing game, while one is sleeping in a little longer. May we preserve this tranquil place into the new year and into the future, so that our great great grandchildren …
From all of us here at the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group we want to thank you for your support for wild horses in 2023 and we hope you may know in your heart, that you help us make an important difference. Together with you, our supporters, we are preserving a treasured and historic …
It's not too late, you can still get one, for yourself or as a great present. This year, we ordered a very limited number of calendars and it is extra spectacular, so get yours now! Your purchase will provide you with amazing images and stories all year long, while it provides the Salt River wild ...
Hello Dear supporters, thank you for helping us make a difference for wild horses and for the public who treasures them. May we all continue to play our small part in making the world a better place. From all of us, to all of you, Merry Christmas! We hope you are having a wonderful time ...
Well, unfortunately we did not raise enough funds to purchase and transport all 13 of the horses of this last online auction to safety, but if you know us a little bit, we are still working hard behind the scenes to make sure they are all safe. We are in need of more funding, so …
It is a true tragedy of our “modern” times and “manunkind”. 2024 is almost here and there is a better way! Thank you WMI! Thank you dear supporters!
It’s like a never ending battle to keep them free, but why? ‘Cause we’re living in a world of fools breaking us down,..when they all should let them be, they belong to you and me!” Song lyrics ringing true. We are under contract to manage them humanely, help us keep up our programs and protect …
Meanwhile on the Salt River, these horses don’t know evil. They know family, they know nature, they know freedom. But what they don’t know, is how lucky they are! We still have to keep up our programs for them, so please don’t forget about the Salt River wild horses for your end of year tax …
In what world does one person get to play judge jury and executioner for wild horses? In what world does anyone support unjust discrimination against horse advocates, false advertising, tortuous interference and alleged fraudulent behavior? In what world do people still believe Jackie Hughes, roundup contractor for the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service, when she slanders …
Today is National Horse day! A day to appreciate the economic, cultural and historic contributions horses have made. This highly inteligent animal on whose back we built this country, is highly under-appreciated and so easily abused. Thousands of them are still being trucked across our borders to be slaughtered, including wild horses. They fought our …
Our Christmas card shipping ladies have been working hard! None of our processes are automated, we do not have large offices and no one gets paid. This is how we make sure that every dime you donate goes directly into our important programs for the horses. This year we have a beautiful card with snowy …
If you’d like to understand exactly what happened with the Salt River horse lawsuit, Courthouse News explains it the best. Please share, thank you!
Today there are exactly 312 Salt River wild horses on the Tonto National Forest. We mean exactly – except when Spot gets out again, and then it’s 311 temporarily. Not one Salt River wild horse has ever been removed. Not one Salt River horse has starved, even during the worst of natural circumstances. Not one …
Here's someone who doesn't beat around the bush! It's seems so true though, a disproportionate deep hate for wild horses is what drives the CBD to make coalitions with organizations they normally fight against, like ranching and trophy hunting. Luckily, even teaming up with these big guns didn't accomplish what they were aiming for. Scott ...
Watch some really happy Saltie’s! It’s almost 2024 and there is a better way to manage wild horses. We think they are pretty happy about the lawsuit dismissal!
Lawsuit over Salt River wild horses DISMISSED!
Today they don’t need your donations, today they need your voice, today they need a united choir, a thunderous and resound NO, to their inhumane treatment. There are better ways!! Ask for a halt to the removals of Alpine wild horses until humane and responsible solutions are considered! Be polite and nice please, and if …
It has been pure insanity to try and save every Alpine wild horse. Right now we are up to 315 saved! But this has been an incredible pressure on us and on the rescue community and we are out of contacts and out of good homes and another auction was just posted! What it comes …
Merlin is a fairly young lead stallion and he does the job together with Blackstone, who might be the older original lead stallion of the band. Sometimes those roles change as older horses slowly loose their power. This band has had a lot of band changes as they lost some mares in Jacob Roer and …
Even while the video is not that great, how great is it to see all our Alpine mares and babies safely arriving at the quarantine arena? Half of the stallions have been picked up too and the other half will come tomorrow. (Because trailers are only so big) Thank you again everyone!! There is no …
This is the brother of Dauntless. He saw his dam (mother) his sire (father), and 2 band foals (half sisters) shot and die in front of him, as well as the lieutenant stallion of his band. Searching the Apache Forest, back in October of 2022 we found them all laying close together, massacred. (Our Pictures …
We fronted $13,000 to ASIAB even while we don’t have it from our Facebook fundraiser yet, because it’s needed, so that it can be counted in the total right away, to save all of our “7 wonders” in addition to the rest of our beloved Alpines. (We are sending an additional $12,000 tomorrow because our …
Tonto National Forest (TNF) Successfully Defends Humane Treatment of Wild Horses While Apache Sitgreaves National Forest Blatantly Disregards It. Salt River Wild Horse Lawsuit Dismissed!! While the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest (ASNF) was busy trucking 45 Alpine wild horses to Bowie, Texas, the Tonto National Forest (TNF) held its ground in defending the Salt River …
We've identified most of the Alpine wild horses who arrived at the Texas Bowie auction yesterday who will be sold tomorrow. We are not posting names for fear they will be bid up out of spite. We will disclose the amazing stories about these beautiful resilient horses after the auction. UPDATE: After communicating with practically ...
Update: No solutions have been found yet and no other rescues have found solutions either and therefore we are not fundraising yet, but If u want to help, many thousands of calls are needed to officials for someone to step in to save our Arizona icons. For Immediate release: Apache Sitgreaves National Forest Sends …
Breaking News Contact: Simone Netherlands, Apache Sitgreaves National Forest Sends 45 Arizona Wild Horses to Texas Slaughter Auction (Horses to be sold on Sunday, leaving no time for rescue groups to save them) Phoenix, AZ (December 1, 2023)– In a shocking betrayal of public trust and an affront to the welfare of cherished Arizona …
We are sickened and nauseated. These are our beloved beautiful ALPINE wild horses who were just dropped at the Bowie kill auction, in Texas, by Jacob Roer and Jackie Hughes whom he works for. They will be sold on Sunday and we just don't know how we can possibly save them! We are trying to ...
Not only do the horses forego their dinner, but the day is ruined for people who are watching them. You, the public, do a great job of sending us these video's and defending the wild horses. (and we forgive you for dropping the F word) Send us your harassment videos anytime and please get the ...
We want to thank you all so much for donating to our programs for the Salt River wild horses! Including our live Breyer auction yesterday we raised $14,000 on Giving Tuesday, which means we almost reached our goal of 2 semiloads of hay ($18,000). Sadly, Facebook sabotaged our fundraiser by not making it shareable, so …
We have an honest to goodness stalker, she is obsessed with us and works very hard to make herself look like the hero and us like the worst people ever! She is no hero, as what she is doing is not only harming our cause, but jeopardizing the entire herd. Anti wild horse factions are …
With the struggle never really over, we are thankful for all of your voices as you continue to give them their voices. Happy thanksgiving!
Cori’s band, with moma Acacia second from the left and lead stallion Cilantro watchful on the bank. We are watching them, and they seem subdued, but horses don’t have a real way to express grief or any other emotion. That doesn’t mean they don’t have it. Acacia is losing weight which is a sign of …
A great big thank you to the wonderful Ahwatukee Girl Scout Troop 3008!! We’ve done fun educational hikes with them to learn about the wild horses and help with picking up trash along the river. The girls donated a portion of their cookie sales and bought feed and supplies for our rescues! We are so …
This is going to affect our whole community, so many people loved this beautiful boy so much! We knew it couldn’t be good when he was not with his band, so we put a huge search together and did it systematically, because we would rather know what happened, than always have to wonder. Our …
Because we want to keep Cori wild and free, it is important to give him a 50 ft respectful distance. Because of this it's been tricky to solve the mystery of the color of his eyes. Sometimes his left eye seems blue and sometimes it appears brown. Thanks to this 400 mm zoomed and cropped ...
A little chat with one of our veterans, David, who’s also a veteran volunteer. We want to thank all of our veteran volunteers for their service for the country and for their service for the wild horses.
SRWHMG has been mourning the loss of one of our amazing volunteers Stella Henney, who was with us since the beginning. She was a force to be reckon with. She was dedicated and wonderful. We will miss her smiles and presence in our group. Her favorite way to volunteer was with our rescues, but she …
VAL was outside the fence, on the road between water users and the bridge yesterday, in the same spot where we saved his life in 2017! But no worries, we calmly handle these situations and Val is safely behind the fence with his buddies again. Want to know more about this dark and mysterious bachelor? …
We are still looking for good homes for Alpine wild horses. If you have room for 2 or more, or a little family, please contact us! Click for video
Update: We have talked to this gentleman who took this video and as we suspected, it is someone who loves the horses. He explained how his friend meant to move the horses for another couple friends to get by, but how they will definitely not ever do that again. Thank you! We explained that next ...
Come on out and see us at the Mesa Marketplace for the next 8 weekends starting today, 10/27!! We have loads of Breyers, stuffed animals, wild horse decor and more... We even have Halloween and Christmas items! Plus you get to see our wonderful volunteers. We will be at 10550 E Baseline, Mesa, Az (Signal ...
KEEPING THE WILD IN THE WEST Video of Salt River wild horses on the move. #managethemhumanely #salriverhorses #saltriverwildhorses #tontonationalforest #srwhmg
Let us show you a few more wild horse crossing videos, because it doesn't always get as hectic as yesterdays live feed! (Thank you for watching everyone!) This horse crossing was requested by SRWHMG and AZDA, and it was granted and made by MCDOT and it works amazingly! The horses are staying exactly between the ...
Everything we do is for these amazing horses. This is their home. They deserve humane management and protection. They need all of us. Be nice to wild horses. They have a soul. You can become a guardian on our website.
“So if you call wild horses “invasive” and “feral”, because you say they were introduced to America some 500 years ago, then please, be correct and call yourself the same.” -SRWHMG.
Look at his little teeth coming in and his baby beard! For those of you who follow us and already know, go ahead and spill his name and his birthday in the comments, but NOT his location please, that's for his protection. We do want to thank all of the photographers who are respecting his ...
Urgent we really need to help these girls with sponsorships for Nirvana Sanctuary. Please go to this link to sponsor one of these beautiful girls. Sanctuaries can not just take horses without sponsors because sustainability is important... Each girl still needs a 100.00 sponsorship a month. That is about 30 people at 15.00 a month. ...
The life of a Salt River wild horse: You are taking your morning bath and people gather all around u to watch... This is Cash and Kaiserin, a new and lovely couple! We love that people love wild horses because it ensures their freedom. Please keep a 50 ft distance from them at all times ...
We are looking for homes for 11 displaced Alpine wild horses, because the Wild Horse Refuge unfortunately said they cannot take any more. Now a much smaller sanctuary is stepping up to take 5 very bonded young mares, IF they can find enough sponsors!! Yeay Nirvana!!! We are asking our supporters to please do …
Thank you for liking and loving our posts! Even one click makes a big difference, believe it or not. This is Lady, one of our permanent rescues at our SRWHMG rescue facility and she also really loves our posts! (Outfitted with rubber nubs for the best face scratches) To our loyal donors, we cannot continue …
So MCSO and SRWHMG finally caught the streaker on the Salt River. Not this innocent grey Heron, but a real man who disturbed the peace of many ladies, numerous times that we know of. While the heron bothers no one, this man has been bothering women and girls on the Salt River, but was always …
FOX 10 Phoenix: Arizona forest refuses offer from group to help control wild horse population. Here's the reason why By Stephanie Bennett | Published September 26, 2023 9:52PM | Updated September 27, 2023 10:16AM Special Reports | FOX 10 Phoenix PHOENIX - It’s a war over wild horses: whether they can continue to roam ...
September 25 Cilantro's band has been very elusive with their new foal Coriander, but now that he is older and stronger, they have been seen along the riverbanks more often. Join our community for awesome pics and videos! Little Coriander is the example of how wild horses can be managed humanely, while staying wild ...
September 24 When a wild horse gets out of the Salt River horse boundary, he is not safe. So it is our job to get him back to safety. We filmed it as it was happening, so you can see what happens. Never chase a wild horse or wave your arms at him. Easy ...
September 22 We are done filing all of our motions and we are now waiting for the judge to decide! The lawsuit against the Tonto National Forest Service is the best attempt of some organizations who don't like wild horses, to get rid of them. Therefore they are claiming that the Forest Service needs ...