January 10th Phase one of their rescue completed, we won the bids on all of them! Thank you everyone who jumped on their bandwagon and donated towards their bail!! All three bands were bait trapped out of the exact area where the horrific shootings happened between October 3rd and 5th of 2022 in ...
January 10th You can see the stunning pictures from many different photographers on our community page, every single day. Fill in 3 questions to be accepted to our community page Salt River Wild Horses - Advocates. Please enjoy. Meanwhile, we are crazy busy making arrangements to receive 24 Alpine wild horses that were not ...
January 9th Hero's band, Baldy's band and Ridge's band were removed from the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service and are in the online auction right now! (please see latest post) After you shared that post over 1800 times, we received an amazing commitment from a wildlife sanctuary in Keensburg Colorado to take in all of ...
January 8th A total of 25 Alpine wild horses, in this weekends online auction (please see latest post) Exhausted from an overload of communication and lack of sleep, we want to let you know that we now have great hope, and believe that we can accomplish saving ALL 25 in this weekends auction, IF ...
January 6th As most of you know we name bands of horses in themes, so that we can remember their bloodlines easily. Our new local Alpine wild horse Advocate group was doing the same, and named Four and Eric's band after the Divergent series. Four and Eric were a joy to watch working together ...
January 6th Stop by our table, we will have our 2023 calendars and a few other items at... Mesa Market Place Swap Meet Saturday, January 7th, 2023 9am to 3pm 10550 E BASELINE RD, MESA, AZ 85209 Cross roads Signal Butte and Baseline Isle B by the food court.
January 3rd We rescued Shadowfax when he was at the end of his natural lifespan. Why? Because we could, so why not have a little compassion. He is nearing 3 decades old, and his teeth are worn down to the gums, but with a nice concoction of soaked pellets and equine senior feed, ...
January 2nd We are in urgent need of more volunteers for weekend feed shifts at the Prescott facility! (Apply below in the comments or pm us) Watch the tour on our Facebook page! Our president Simone Netherlands built this barn to import and train Friesian horses from Holland, which she did from 2001 to 2006, ...
January 1st Our government, in particular of course the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service, as well as the BLM, should reflect on how wild horse management can be done better, cheaper, more transparent, and more humanely. The future is now. The excuses used to include that fertility control did not work, and was too difficult. ...
December 28th Isn't it the perfect rainy day/night to make your last minute year-end donation to the Salt River wild horses? Your donation is tax deductible, so why not give it to SRWHMG, instead of to the IRS? Why do we ask? Without financial support from the public, the Salt River wild horses would ...
December 24th How cool is it when Salt River wild horses actually show up to your Christmas photoshoot! We love them to the moon and back and we love our supporters. We wish YOU and THEM, family, freedom and unbridled happiness forever and ever! Please consider a tax deductible year end donation to SRWHMG. ...
December 24th We are a little overwhelmed with the messages about rescued abandoned horse! It seems Facebook really made that post go around.
We are going to do our best to be extremely fair and get back to everyone. Its going to take a few of our admins, and it's Christmas Eve, so please bear ...
December 23rd ️We have been so insanely busy that we forgot to post our Christmas wishlist for our rescues!! We now have Salt River rescues and also Alpine wild horses we rescued! If you'd still like to buy them a Christmas gift, they don't care if it arrives before Christmas or not!
Prices at ...
December 23rd Meanwhile at Coon Bluff in the Tonto National Forest, someone thought it was a good idea to leave his/her horse behind for Christmas. Of course AZDA/SRWHMG came to his rescue, but now he needs to find a good home before Tuesday. We take finding horses good homes seriously so please contact us if ...
December 23rd Watch video here on our Facebook! It was very interesting to see Eagar's behavior! (He is the tall dark and handsome guy with the crooked blaze.) After being caught in the Apache Forest and removed, he was separated from his family at the holding facility. He was reported to be dangerous and have ...
December 21st Watch this video and see how Eagar's band is doing after the reunion!
December 21st Watch the reunion of Eagar and his family band on our Facebook page!!
December 21st ️
A Christmas story about a Christmas miracle for wild horses. This is Mirabelle with her Daddy, lead stallion Serta, taking a nap together. When you see the peace and deep love they have for each other, it seems that all is right with the world,..doesn't it? But sadly there are some things very ...
December 21st We still have several more rescues to thank for making this weekend's Christmas miracle happen!! This is the linktree of Moksha Mustang sanctuary in the Chiracahua mountains in Arizona! (They need our and your support) https://linktr.ee/moksha_sanctuary This amazing person purchased a new property that she was planning to save wild horses on, ...
December 20th As you know this weekend a real Christmas miracle was accomplished and 30 Alpine wild horses were saved from a horrendous fate. With your donations we bailed out most of the horses and are paying for their transport and geldings and hay, but this rescue was one of the ones that stepped up ...
December 18th With your help we believe we can accomplish it!! We are trying to save as many Alpine wild horses as possible, who at the Rail Lazy H online auction right now, where they will end up on a slaughtertruck. The contractor for the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service caught Eagar's band, (this is ...
December 17th Today is Pre-registration for the 8th Annual Ride for the Salts! Location: Superstition Harley Davidson, 2910 W Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ Time: 11am to 3pm SRWHMG will be there with a small merchandise booth and our 2023 calendars. Please come out early and pre-register, this is a super fun event taking place ...
December 17th What's better than being free? This is the last weekend to order if you want to receive them in the nick of time for Christmas These are the spectacularly captured moments in the lives of the beautiful Salt River wild horses. The high quality calendar features snippets of information about each horse. There ...
December 14th Our SRWHMG headquarters along the Beeline Hwy. This is where our rescues live and from where we operate our humane management programs. This is our parade float beautifying our hill. Thank you Destini and parade team, Merry Christmas to everyone passing us by!
December 13th We paint them, photograph them and sculptures of them can be found all over America. What is so sad is that the real life horse itself is treated with so little gratitude. Breaking: The ASNF (Apache Sitgreaves National Forest) has posted a new notice of intent to impound the rest of the Alpine ...
December 11th Almost this entire year of 2022 we have been very occupied with trying to save as many Alpine wild horses as possible, but we want you to know that we would never neglect any of our important programs and duties for the Salt River wild horses, and they are doing amazing. Our natural ...
December 10th These sweet Alpine wild stallions are safe, BUT we need to bail 10 more out this weekend! Can you help? The Alpine wild horses did not get a reprieve for Christmas and this weekend is yet another online public auction by RaillazyH without limitation to slaughter. This time they caught all of Caldwell's ...
December 10th We gelded some Alpine wild stallions today. We want to thank our supporters who donated, and you still can donate for this purpose on our website, PayPal or our Facebook page, if you haven't. Because all of these boys deserve a good home with some girlfriends! We want to thank T.Hoover at 4hoovesranch ...
December 8th Check out the full preview of our 2023 calendar with spectacularly captured moments in the lives of the beautiful Salt River wild horses!!! The calendar features little snippets of information about each horse and there are extra bonus pages with Alpine wild horses and Heber wild horses. As always, we will run out ...
December 5th Big Shout out to the Epoch Times for paying attention to the unjustified removals of Alpine wild horses by the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, and the brutal massacre of 41 shot dead wild horses and 11 more missing. Thank you to Simone and volunteers for giving them a home and finding more good ...
December 4th A big Shout out to MCSO Lake Patrol for the quick action to get these Salt River boys safe tonight! Here SRWHMG volunteers are walking them back to the "safe zone", where it's fenced. A more permanent solution is needed, but because fencing is not approved in this area yet, we are using ...
December 3rd Sad to report that today's Apache Junction Holiday and Light Parade were cancelled, due to the much needed rains we are getting.... So we decided to share with you our beautiful float that was ready for tonight.
December 3rd Photo by SRWHMG Photographer Karen Carney. How amazing is it to see them grow up wild and free? Do you recognize this fast growing two year old? If you appreciate seeing them, then please don't forget this holiday season that we have to keep up all of our important programs to keep them ...
November 29th To get in the holiday spirit, come see us at the Apache Junction's Holiday and Light Parade Event!! It is this Saturday, December 3rd, at 3 pm, a fun filled day and evening, for the whole family!!. Flatiron Park, 100 N Apache Trail in Apache Junction, Arizona. We will have our holiday booth ...
November 29th Keeping families together, that's what it's all about. After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, today is Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving where you can make a real impact. Many organizations will ask you, but we hope you'll consider helping wild horses today, as they are being treated so unfairly. We ...
November 28th We are desperately in need of sponsors for Alpine wild horses! This is where 2 bands get to live. Today for Giving Tuesday Facebook is matching monthly donations!! This means that if you sponsor an Alpine wild horse on this post for just 15 dollars a month, you are really giving 30 dollars ...
November 27th Check out these, one of a kind, wild horse hair Christmas ornaments! The horsehair is from a beautiful Salt River wild horse, collected while volunteers are monitoring horses, fixing fences, and cleaning their habitat. A great way to contribute to our programs! There are many more unique items like jewelry and hats and ...
November 26th Are you as excited as we are? It is the biggest sales weekend of the year and we have sales on wild horse merchandise and calendars!! These make great presents and help us reach our goals for both the Alpines and the Salts. In addition after this Cyber Monday, it's Giving Tuesday, and ...
November 24th We are thankful for you, our supporters and donators. Together we change history one wild horse at a time. SRWHMG. #thanksgiving2022 Hay everyone! Just a little message from all of us to all of you! Happy Thanksgiving!!
November 22nd Wild horses have great value to our community, not only recreational value, but also educational value. The Salt River wild horses bring a great many people together for the cause and this in turn helps keep the Salt River clean. We want to thank Ahwatukee Girl Scout Troop 3008 for coming on an ...
November 21st Update: we found out who and thank you for contacting us! The more good homes the better! Who in the world was bidding against us? We wanted this pair badly because she and her beautiful foal are the last of Greer's band, destined to be reunited with her original band, who were removed ...
November 21st Another way to support our work is by eating a meal at Panda Express online by using the fundraiser code 908944. For every order placed using the code, Panda Express will donate 28% of the total sales to the SRWHMG. Thanks for all your support... order now!
November 20th It is our goal, to save them all! You can help us save them right now!! This first picture is adorable Mirabelle, the youngest Salt River wild horse, and she is safe with her family in the wild, because of the important work we do. But there are babies just like her from ...
November 19th Alpine wild horses getting acclimated, Apache, Kiowa, Amari!! View on our Facebook page.
November 17th - Prelude Apache's mare finally found in the online auction; will be reunited today! As most of you know we have been working extremely hard to try and save as many of the removed Alpine wild horses as possible, in the online auctions by Rail Lazy H. Unfortunately even the popular stallion Apache ...
November 11th Freedom is not free. On Veteran's Day we salute all veterans, including our own veteran volunteers! We salute you! Larry S. David S. Glenn D. Shelba S. Ken C. Also, if there was a Salt River horse wounded warrior, Neiman would be it. First he was trapped in a hunting snare, ...
November 10th Here's a great fundraiser in support of saving more wild horses! Our See's candy virtual storefront is open now thru Dec.2nd. A selection of 17 DELICIOUS CANDIES plus gift cards you can order for delivery by Thanksgiving and order by Dec. 2nd for delivery by Christmas!! Thank you for supporting the See's Sweets ...
November 8th BREAKING NEWS We did it again! Through no small miracle and your support, we are so happy to announce that every single Alpine wild horse (16) up for auction this weekend was purchased and placed to a good home. (Apache sleeps well tonight!) We have noticed there are nefarious bidders in these ...
November 7th This beautiful Alpine lead stallion, Apache, was taken out of his historic home, the Apache Forest. He was depressed when he came to SRWHMG rescue last month, because he lost his entire family, but with loving care and a girlfriend, he is making progress, and today for the first time, he is showing ...
November 5th Our 2023 limited edition Calendar is full of beauty, tranquility and inspiration and many fan favorite horses are in it! Like every year, the pictures are high quality so that you can frame them when the year is done. Guess who is our covergirl?? You can Pre-order now! This is the ONLY place ...
October 31st It's hard work being a SRWHMG volunteer you know! We worry ourselves to death sometimes! It's very tricky to see the wild horses crossing in the dark! By crossing them safely we prevent a ton of horror for you and for them. So watch for our road patrol volunteers and treat them with ...
October 28th We manage wild horses humanely, and we don't charge the government a dime. In fact, these horses bring in great economic revenue for this entire area. They sell hotel rooms and camera equipment and day passes for the Forest Service. It's almost 2023, and this is the future of wild horse management. Spread ...
October 26th Thank you ASU for an educational field trip. Read all about it here:
October 25th A beautiful picture from our horse advocate community by John Landers. Mirabel, the only Salt River foal this year, is learning to eat River eelgrass! Feel free to join this page if you want to see more beautiful pictures of their every day lives. John Landers, Salt River Wild Horses - ...
October 25th Demonized, scapegoated, discriminated removed and killed, it's what's happening to wild horses in Arizona. It is a modern day actual horror story. https://www.theepochtimes.com/whos-killing-arizonas-alpine-wild-horses_4815043.html?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=copy&rs=0
October 23rd Reduced from proud stallion living his life on his terms, to homeless and for sale for just 50 dollars, which puts him (and the others) at great risk of ending up in the slaughter pipeline. He only has tonight to find a home! Please share and help us find good homes for ...
October 22nd These were the most difficult donkeys to catch and it took months of volunteer efforts trying to make them less skittish, but they are finally safe! They now get to live with the sister of one of our volunteers, on a beautiful irrigated 5 acres! No more fears that they will get ...
October 19th Alpine wild horse advocates(AWHA) are still out there every day to keep an eye out for the Alpine wild horses and to search for the missing 25. If you live in the area or feel like driving up, we need more volunteers in that forest!! Please contact us! SRWHMG. https://www.12news.com/article/news/local/arizona/more-dead-horses-found-in-northern-arizona/75-290e5564-31b6-4313-89c2-d52488e70431 It ...
October 18th We see the beauty and innocence of wild horses every day and how much the public enjoys them, and at the same time are faced with the godawful truth that they are being attacked from every angle, discriminated, scapegoated and persecuted. The hate for them runs so deep and this battle is a ...
October 18th Mark your calendars for this Friday, October 21, 2022, at all Panda Express locations in the USA. Panda Express donates 28% of your bill to an amazing cause. We really appreciate these businesses who support our cause and we can in return support them by eating at their businesses. You must order on-line. ...
October 17th Yes we now also have a TikTok! Click like on SaltRiverWildHorses! Here is are the real treasures at the end of the rainbow! Thank you for supporting all of our social media. SRWHMG @saltriverwildhorses Beautiful morning in the desert with Salt River Wild Horses May they always stay Wild & Free #srwhmg ...
October 12th While some of us are in Alpine, AZ, some of us are finishing up a new project to help keep the river cleaner this winter. Garbage cans for Goldfield, Blue Point and Pebble Beach! Our teams will be emptying them while doing our rounds at the river. Remember, trash kills! Help clean up ...
October 11th Omg. The dead body count went up today to 20!!! We have proof of each one! And now we have more than 30 missing! This is not a person or a vindictive act. This is a professional operation. It was a planned mission to kill all of the Alpine wild horses. They seriously ...
October 10th Watch 12news tonight and thank them on their FB page for the accurate reporting. The dead body count has gone up in the mean time to 20. Share if you care. Thank you. SRWHMG. The US Forest Service is investigating this latest rash of horse killings in Northern Arizona. There have been over ...
October 10th Alpine, Az. The Salt River Wild Horse Management Group (SRWHMG) and the American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) joined forces to offer a $20,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators of the brutal horse killing in the Apache National Forest near Alpine, Arizona. Another advocacy organization, Animal Wellness Action, has also ...
October 6th BREAKING: Today, AWHC and the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group @srwhmg are calling for an investigation and criminal prosecution of the perpetrator(s) in a gruesome slaying of a historic herd of wild horses in the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest near the town of Alpine, AZ. Arizona’s Alpine herd does not have adequate ...
October 4th As most of you know, the BLM is the agency rounding up thousands of wild horses and burros from our public lands. In fact in 2022 over 15.000 wild horses and burros have been stampeded by helicopters, separated from their families and stuffed in already overfull holding pens at a taxpayer cost of ...
October 2nd Fundraiser
The auction of the beloved Alpine wild horses is going on right now online! (See our previous posts about why the A-S Forest Service denied better options we offered and is removing Alpine wild horses, in spite of public opposition) We have noticed people want to help by donating money ...
October 1st Shame on the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service for treating our national treasures like trash, when they had better options. (Which we offered for free) The auction of beloved Alpine wild horses starts right now and goes through to Monday morning. Here is the link. https://raillazyh.com/ Be the change. Share this and start calling ...
September 30th Do you think he regrets it? Shadowfax's wild life was coming to an end, because he cannot eat anything anymore, except for mashed and soaked feed, as his teeth are completely worn down. Sadly this is a very normal way old horses die in the wild, and he did not have much time ...
September 30th Their idyllic lives in a forest of abundance, stolen from them by the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service. From the most peaceful happy lives with their families in the wild, to homeless, their eventual fate unknown. We've recognized a few of them from our database already, but its tricky, because we don't know them ...
September 29th Amazing unedited video that almost makes up for all that is wrong with the world today. Somewhere over the rainbow there is hope for wild horses. But we have to work very hard for it and you have to help us, if you care. Our Forest Service (TNF) has done the right thing ...
September 29th This is the website of the contractor where the Alpine wild horses, that were taken from our public lands and their historic home in the Apache Forest, will be auctioned off THIS Saturday and Sunday. https://raillazyh.com/ The faces of these now homeless wild horses will be posted there tomorrow, Friday, for everyone to ...
September 29th Pursuant to ARS 3-1491, it is illegal to kill, capture, chase, interfere with, or harass a Salt River horse. Give them room, use your zoom! Please enjoy watching the horses while adhering to these viewing guidelines: Keep a safe distance of 50 ft from horses at all times, even if they come ...
September 23rd With your public input it was a very close tie between Moana and Mirabelle. Thank you to all who voted! Please remember to respect their space by staying 50 ft from them at all times. Watch the video on our Facebook. Video by SRWHMG Karen Carney taken with zoom so not to ...
September 22nd On this first day of fall, we want to make sure that people don't "fall" for some of the misinformation about PZP fertility control for wild horses. We chose to use it, because it is the safest form of birth control for wild horses, and their natural behavior is of most importance to ...
September 21st Alpine wild horses rescued, it's so nice to see them back at grazing peacefully. Goodnight everyone. SRWHMG. Watch the video on our Facebook
September 21st We want to thank everyone who knew about the new filly, and refrained from posting and announcing her for these first two weeks. We also want to thank everyone who is respecting her space and warn a few people who are not. The Salt River wild horses are protected by law and if ...
September 20th Mark your calendar for tomorrow, Wednesday, September 21st all day, anywhere in the nation you can support the Salt River wild horses by participating in this Panda Express fundraiser which donates 28% to SRWHMG... It's a great way to show support and eat good food.... We appreciate all your support!!
September 19th Tragedy struck a band of Salt River wild horses on Golfield Road at 2 am on Sept 18th. After MCSO alerted our hotline, our SRWHMG team and AZDA Officer Makenzie responded in the middle of the night to the terrible scene. It was a hit and run. We found Belle with a broken, ...
September 18th We have been monitoring her health daily as the first two weeks are the most vulnerable time in a wild horses life. Once foals survive this time period, we feel a lot better and they have a pretty good chance of making it into adulthood. She has already survived several 110 degree days ...
September 16th Happy Friday everyone. How much do you love wild horses, and why? Regardless of if you've ever seen them or not, please let us know what value they represent to you. And enjoy this video of their peaceful morning routine. Thank you. SRWHMG. Watch the video on our Facebook
September 12th Watch the video on our Facebook
September 11th This afternoon a beautiful bald-faced, blue-eyed, reservation wild stallion was stuck in the SRP canal!! We want to thank the caller to our hotline so much for noticing! While not in our jurisdiction, and not a Salt River wild horse, we still went to see if we could be of any help to ...
September 10th We finished fencing and today is the day they get a tiny bit of freedom back. Watch their reaction. ; ) Thank you to our supporters for making better endings possible. Enjoy the video and the weekend! SRWHMG
September 8th This is the 4th week that they've acclimated, but it's only the second day of patient training. The Alpine wild horses are wonderful animals who were callously torn from their historic home in the Apache Forest. The Apache Sitegreaves Forest Service will be selling 60 more before the end of the year, at ...
September 7th Watch little training video of our little Alpine wild horse band. (They are the family of the mother mare who tragically died at the auction.) We are almost ready to release these guys on their grassy pasture we have been working so hard on! That's why we are putting a little bit of ...
September 6th Please help us finish fencing 6 acres for the Alpine wild horses who were removed by the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service which we purchased at the auction. Because we are full at our SRWHMG facility along the Beeline, Simone is making 6 very green acres available for them in Prescott. They will have ...