April 12th We love keeping track of the bloodlines of the Salt River wild horses. Today's spotlight is on patriarch and retired lead stallion Sarge. (When we release interesting information about our many years of research and data collection, please feel free to share it, as long as you credit who you learned it from, ...
April 4th Today is AZgives Day #AZGives , this is a day for people to support and invest in what they care about. Please don't forget about the Salt River wild horses or the Alpine wild horses! Keeping them wild and free benefits our local economy and all Arizonans. Wild horses are part of our ...
April 2nd Many people suggested the name Poppy for the latest Salt River wild foal, because of the superbloom in the Tonto National Forest. But we already have a Poppy (Posey is his mother and Shadowfax his father). He was also born during a huge poppy bloom, in March of 2014. Here is Poppy in ...
April 1st Photo by SRWHMG Rick Blandford Walk quietly in the forest and you will reap The joy of earth awakening from winter sleep Wild flowers blooming create a golden glow We can witness life's circle and watch it grow Share the forests spirit and rebirth But love and respect the splendor of the earth. ...
March 28th Please everyone don't get close to the raging lower Salt River right now, SRP just opened Stewart mountain Dam to 2700 cfs and it will go with powerful force today up to 6500 cfs, which is huge. The river which is usually a life-force can also be a dangerous place for many of ...
March 27th As our humane fertility control program is so effective, this is a very special little one! Welcome to your home in the Tonto National Forest, where you may grow up wild and free for all of Arizona to see. After a long winter and lots of rain, it is the most beautiful springtime ...
March 27th Nessa one of our Alpine girls is enjoying getting scratches from one of her caregivers. Erin Yager > SRWHMG- Wild Rescues O.M.G!!! I was going to exit thru SF's gate and Nessa blocked me so she could get butt scratches. So after a couple of minutes I walked down the fence line to ...
March 24th Apache's band used to run in the Apache Forest but the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service got rid of them and sold them at auction without limitation to slaughter, at which we rescued them. #shameonASNF We documented this band in the wild and that's how we were able to find them in different ...
March 23rd This is why we are out there warning people that they are still wild horses, and things can change in a second. Please, dear visitors, stay 50 ft from the horses at all times, for their well-being, and for your own safety! Thank you AZDA for helping to educate the public. ...
March 23rd For our supporters who live in Chino Valley, the last of our calendars are available at Olson's Grain and they are now only $10!! The pictures are of such quality that many people frame them after the month is over! Thank you to Olson's Grain for their support! We use the credit ...
March 22nd Hi everyone! This is a post without a picture of the newest baby Salt River wild horse, but yes, Spring has sprung, and it's a boy! For the protection of the foal and mother we will not post any pictures of him until he is 2 weeks old and even then, we ...
March 21st SB 1057 if passed, would make slaughtering and killing Alpine wild horses illegal and it would open a process of negotiation for their humane management. Contrary to what anti-wild horse factions may say, this bill does not prevent removals, but if removed, they would at least end up in good homes or ...
March 18th We are very thankful to all of the public who understands that to be able to enjoy the wild horses, you have to respect their space, and to be able to enjoy nature, you have to keep it clean. We see the public informing the public and that's what it's going to ...
March 17th If you are having a busy day, please enjoy this one minute gift of absolute peace and tranquility with the Salt River wild horses. We are also thankful that the horses are mowing the green nicely including under the trees and bushes, thus reducing our extreme firedanger once it all dries up ...
March 15th Everyone please be careful as SRP is releasing huge amounts of water from Bartlett dam right now and this makes the Salt river below Phon D run fast, and as as high as 9000 cfs. As far as we know all Salt River horses are staying safe, and they are very smart. However ...
March 12th Posing on the green carpet is Carmel, nominated for his leading role in his band and in the popular drama "As the River flows". He is looking handsome in a beautiful winter coat by mother nature. He is a real winner! Thank you to the academy and to all of our supporters ...
March 10th This is an example of why our Salt River rescues need to be trained and/or "domesticated". They usually need immediate intensive medical care once rescued, but they also need follow up medical care and they should have no fear of the trailer ride or the vet. Our rescues are either orphans, or they ...
March 9th SRWHMG stood up for the public interest, the horses' happily ever after, and our Arizona history, but we also took the concerns of overpopulation into account and applied humane fertility control. With only one or two foals per year, the population will reduce naturally. So now the government is happy, the public ...
March 6th QUIZ: Does anyone have any idea what our volunteers are doing here so high in the mountains? We have a surprise gift for the most correct answer! (Sorry, volunteers- You can't participate.)
March 6th Fynn is a son of Lancelot and he is absolutely stunning. We have him, because his mom Felicity fell in the South Canal and was rescued in the nick of time. She was unconscious for 10 minutes and got pneumonia as a result, but she survived, so both her and Fynn are ...
March 5th 4 Peaks with snow and wild horses with grass, in the Tonto National Forest, Arizona, March 2023. Did you know these wild horses narrowly escaped roundup and removal in 2015? We, SRWHMG, rang the alarm bell and the public gave them the voice they needed. We took responsibility for their humane ...
March 3rd Baldy and Ridge and Hero's bands. (Hero was strangely missing from the auction). This is cute video of Ridge's band, watch till he looks up! They have been staying their quarentine and gelding period at a leased facility in Heber where they have a nice large arena. Our volunteers have taken turns driving ...
March 2nd It can get quite crazy lately on Bush Hwy, because everyone loves seeing wild horses. Please everyone, park responsibly, don't stop abruptly, don't hold up traffic, and don't interfere in the horses lives. Thank you MCSO for helping to manage the crowds! If you'd like to support the humane management and preservation of ...
March 1st Warning: this post is boring and addresses drama that was unnecessary, however is necessary for us to respond to. Our organization exists and functions 100% through hard work of over 100 volunteers and support from the public. It is why the Salt River wild horses were saved from a terrible fate and can ...
February 23rd Our last big event of the season!! Don't miss it... This weekend Friday the 24th, Saturday the 25th and Sunday the 26th, visit our booth at Lost Dutchman Days, 1590 E Lost Dutchman Blvd, Apache Junction, AZ 85119, daily from 9 am to 6 pm. We will have lots of beautiful wild horse ...
February 20th We operate a hotline for horse emergencies. We send our field team on many searches and assessments, and we are always happy to report when the located horse is definitely not dead, but just sleeping! Wild horses can sleep very deeply sometimes, completely flat out. Watch for the chest going up and down ...
February 18th This mare's name is actually Spring, she is out of mare Winter and sired by Hardy (So out of a Hardy Winter came Spring! No kidding) She is high preggers! As you all know we don't have many foals anymore on the Salt River, so when we do have one on the way, ...
February 14th Oh, how we hate to see a happy couple broken up, especially on Valentine's day! It's true that Rascal lost Aquarius to Bud, from Jake's band. Jake's band is "unusual" because it consists of stallions Jake and Tad, who have been buddies ever since their bachelor days, and Daisy, their only mare, plus ...
February 13th If you love the Salt River wild horses, and love that we rescue them when they need it, we want you to know that you can chose any of the rescues to be your valentine. Show them some love by picking one to sponsor! As their sponsor you will be invited automatically to ...
February 13th In celebration of the Chiefs, this is our Little Chief. Born in May of 2014, out of Celeste, Little Chief is a beautiful and tough lieutenant stallion of his band, with a home territory between Phon D and Coon Bluff and Midway, which is also where he was born. In his lifetime we ...
February 11th Each horse at our SRWHMG rescue has it's story of how they were suffering and would have died slowly in the wild, had we not rescued them. Most of you know Shadowfax's story well. Both he, as well as Batman, suffer from age related ailments, because they are just super old. Their worn ...
February 7th Thank you again for the overwhelming responses about Mirabelle's untimely death. How we all share the sorrow and how much we all care proves an important point for all wild horses that cannot be disputed; Wild horses are deeply and truly cherished by the American public. Our connection runs deep, not only because ...
February 4th We really appreciate the great support from literally thousands of you; the shared sorrow seems a little lighter and gives a real sense of close community and shared love. Thank you from our many broken hearts. 💔 But we don't really appreciate it when some people hurry and try to post on their ...
February 3rd With a heavy heart we have to tell you that our search team found Mirabelle deceased this afternoon. We are so sorry, we know this will fall hard on so many horse advocates in our community, as it does on us. The SRWHMG team as well as AZDA Liaison Makenzie, investigated the body ...
January 30th Endearing Salt River stallion falls sound asleep with his nose on his friend. We hope that they, as well as you, can sleep peacefully, knowing that we will always keep fighting for all wild horses everywhere. Night night dear supporters.
January 28th Live at the ride for the Alpine wild horses!! Just look at how many people are riding for them! Woohoo! Stay tuned and join us at the end location Superstition Harley Davidson!! They were born to be wild and we were born to keep them that way! What a great day making memories, ...
January 28th How should the ASNF be treating wild horses? Do you believe the claims that these horses are the destroyers of the ecosystem even when they represent only 4 % of all the grazers in the forest? Why is the ASNF so adamant on discarding naturally occurring animals (wild horses) while allowing 1000's of ...
January 27th The recent shootings and removals of Alpine horses in Northeastern Arizona, have spurred action from State legislators. The newly introduced bill S.B 1057, sponsored by Senator Kavanagh, prohibits killing, shooting and slaughtering any horse in the Alpine herd. This video was taken earlier and needs a small correction: Call the number and ask ...
January 26th BREAKING Recent shootings and removals of Alpine horses in Northeastern Arizona, have spurred action from State legislators. Newly introduced bill prohibits killing, shooting and slaughtering any horse in the Alpine herd. Arizona State Capitol, Phx, AZ. (January 26th, 2023) — The Salt River Wild Horse Management Group (SRWHMG) applauds a new bill, ...
January 25th Don't miss this Saturday the 28th of January's 8th Annual Ride for the Salt River wild horses...and it's for the Alpine wild horses too this time!! Starting out at American Legion post 58 in Fountain Hills registration from 9 am to 11 am and ending at Superstition Harley Davidson in Apache Junction ...
January 21st SRWHMG named the first born foal of 2019 after AZDA director Mark Killian, for his love of horses, and his great partnership in the humane management of the Salt River wild horses. Killian was born on 1.21.2019, so today is his 4th Birthday! As you know, we keep track of every horse ...
January 12th Phase two of their rescue. Baldys band, Ridge's band and Hero's band. Thank you all soooo much for your support! Update! "To save this many wild horses it takes more than a village, it takes an army", sais Simone Netherlands. There are so many people and rescues and sanctuaries to thank who ...
January 11th There are big differences between ranger districts, regions, and Forest Supervisors, and each makes his/her own decisions. The Tonto National Forest, (TNF for short) instead of letting their phones go into voice-mail, they hired more secretaries. Instead of argue with the upset callers, they listened. Instead of sending beloved wild horses to a ...
January 10th 🙏🐴Please, if we could all go to this page and thank "The wild horse refuge" in Keenesburg Colorado, for offering these unfortunate Alpine wild horses their forever happy ending!! YEAY. Plus we have reached our fundraising goal to be able to get them there! This is the public giving them the justice they ...
January 10th Phase one of their rescue completed, we won the bids on all of them! Thank you everyone who jumped on their bandwagon and donated towards their bail!! 🙏💟 All three bands were bait trapped out of the exact area where the horrific shootings happened between October 3rd and 5th of 2022 in ...
January 10th You can see the stunning pictures from many different photographers on our community page, every single day. Fill in 3 questions to be accepted to our community page Salt River Wild Horses - Advocates. Please enjoy. Meanwhile, we are crazy busy making arrangements to receive 24 Alpine wild horses that were not ...
January 9th Hero's band, Baldy's band and Ridge's band were removed from the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service and are in the online auction right now! (please see latest post) After you shared that post over 1800 times, we received an amazing commitment from a wildlife sanctuary in Keensburg Colorado to take in all of ...
January 8th A total of 25 Alpine wild horses, in this weekends online auction (please see latest post) Exhausted from an overload of communication and lack of sleep, we want to let you know that we now have great hope, and believe that we can accomplish saving ALL 25 in this weekends auction, IF ...
January 6th As most of you know we name bands of horses in themes, so that we can remember their bloodlines easily. Our new local Alpine wild horse Advocate group was doing the same, and named Four and Eric's band after the Divergent series. Four and Eric were a joy to watch working together ...
January 6th Stop by our table, we will have our 2023 calendars and a few other items at... Mesa Market Place Swap Meet Saturday, January 7th, 2023 9am to 3pm 10550 E BASELINE RD, MESA, AZ 85209 Cross roads Signal Butte and Baseline Isle B by the food court.
January 3rd We rescued Shadowfax when he was at the end of his natural lifespan. Why? Because we could, so why not have a little compassion. He is nearing 3 decades old, and his teeth are worn down to the gums, but with a nice concoction of soaked pellets and equine senior feed, ...
January 2nd We are in urgent need of more volunteers for weekend feed shifts at the Prescott facility! (Apply below in the comments or pm us) Watch the tour on our Facebook page! Our president Simone Netherlands built this barn to import and train Friesian horses from Holland, which she did from 2001 to 2006, ...
January 1st Our government, in particular of course the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service, as well as the BLM, should reflect on how wild horse management can be done better, cheaper, more transparent, and more humanely. The future is now. The excuses used to include that fertility control did not work, and was too difficult. ...
December 28th 🌧 Isn't it the perfect rainy day/night to make your last minute year-end donation to the Salt River wild horses? Your donation is tax deductible, so why not give it to SRWHMG, instead of to the IRS? Why do we ask? Without financial support from the public, the Salt River wild horses would ...
December 24th How cool is it when Salt River wild horses actually show up to your Christmas photoshoot! We love them to the moon and back and we love our supporters. We wish YOU and THEM, family, freedom and unbridled happiness forever and ever! Please consider a tax deductible year end donation to SRWHMG. ...
December 24th 📯We are a little overwhelmed with the messages about rescued abandoned horse! It seems Facebook really made that post go around. 👍We are going to do our best to be extremely fair and get back to everyone. Its going to take a few of our admins, and it's Christmas Eve, so please bear ...
December 23rd 📯✨️We have been so insanely busy that we forgot to post our Christmas wishlist for our rescues!! We now have Salt River rescues and also Alpine wild horses we rescued! If you'd still like to buy them a Christmas gift, they don't care if it arrives before Christmas or not! 🎄 Prices at ...
December 23rd Meanwhile at Coon Bluff in the Tonto National Forest, someone thought it was a good idea to leave his/her horse behind for Christmas. Of course AZDA/SRWHMG came to his rescue, but now he needs to find a good home before Tuesday. We take finding horses good homes seriously so please contact us if ...
December 23rd Watch video here on our Facebook! It was very interesting to see Eagar's behavior! (He is the tall dark and handsome guy with the crooked blaze.) After being caught in the Apache Forest and removed, he was separated from his family at the holding facility. He was reported to be dangerous and have ...
December 21st Watch this video and see how Eagar's band is doing after the reunion!
December 21st Watch the reunion of Eagar and his family band on our Facebook page!!
December 21st 🎄️🙏📯A Christmas story about a Christmas miracle for wild horses. This is Mirabelle with her Daddy, lead stallion Serta, taking a nap together. When you see the peace and deep love they have for each other, it seems that all is right with the world,..doesn't it? But sadly there are some things very ...
December 21st We still have several more rescues to thank for making this weekend's Christmas miracle happen!! This is the linktree of Moksha Mustang sanctuary in the Chiracahua mountains in Arizona! (They need our and your support) 👉 https://linktr.ee/moksha_sanctuary This amazing person purchased a new property that she was planning to save wild horses on, ...
December 20th As you know this weekend a real Christmas miracle was accomplished and 30 Alpine wild horses were saved from a horrendous fate. With your donations we bailed out most of the horses and are paying for their transport and geldings and hay, but this rescue was one of the ones that stepped up ...
December 18th With your help we believe we can accomplish it!! We are trying to save as many Alpine wild horses as possible, who at the Rail Lazy H online auction right now, where they will end up on a slaughtertruck. 😭 The contractor for the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service caught Eagar's band, (this is ...
December 17th Today is Pre-registration for the 8th Annual Ride for the Salts! Location: Superstition Harley Davidson, 2910 W Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ Time: 11am to 3pm SRWHMG will be there with a small merchandise booth and our 2023 calendars. Please come out early and pre-register, this is a super fun event taking place ...
December 17th What's better than being free? 🌲This is the last weekend to order if you want to receive them in the nick of time for Christmas These are the spectacularly captured moments in the lives of the beautiful Salt River wild horses. The high quality calendar features snippets of information about each horse. There ...
December 14th Our SRWHMG headquarters along the Beeline Hwy. This is where our rescues live and from where we operate our humane management programs. This is our parade float beautifying our hill. Thank you Destini and parade team, Merry Christmas to everyone passing us by!
December 13th We paint them, photograph them and sculptures of them can be found all over America. What is so sad is that the real life horse itself is treated with so little gratitude. Breaking: The ASNF (Apache Sitgreaves National Forest) has posted a new notice of intent to impound the rest of the Alpine ...
December 11th Almost this entire year of 2022 we have been very occupied with trying to save as many Alpine wild horses as possible, but we want you to know that we would never neglect any of our important programs and duties for the Salt River wild horses, and they are doing amazing. Our natural ...
December 10th These sweet Alpine wild stallions are safe, BUT we need to bail 10 more out this weekend! Can you help? The Alpine wild horses did not get a reprieve for Christmas and this weekend is yet another online public auction by RaillazyH without limitation to slaughter. This time they caught all of Caldwell's ...
December 10th We gelded some Alpine wild stallions today. We want to thank our supporters who donated, and you still can donate for this purpose on our website, PayPal or our Facebook page, if you haven't. Because all of these boys deserve a good home with some girlfriends! We want to thank T.Hoover at 4hoovesranch ...
December 8th Check out the full preview of our 2023 calendar with spectacularly captured moments in the lives of the beautiful Salt River wild horses!!! The calendar features little snippets of information about each horse and there are extra bonus pages with Alpine wild horses and Heber wild horses. As always, we will run out ...
December 5th Big Shout out to the Epoch Times for paying attention to the unjustified removals of Alpine wild horses by the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, and the brutal massacre of 41 shot dead wild horses and 11 more missing. Thank you to Simone and volunteers for giving them a home and finding more good ...
December 4th A big Shout out to MCSO Lake Patrol for the quick action to get these Salt River boys safe tonight! Here SRWHMG volunteers are walking them back to the "safe zone", where it's fenced. A more permanent solution is needed, but because fencing is not approved in this area yet, we are using ...
December 3rd Sad to report that today's Apache Junction Holiday and Light Parade were cancelled, due to the much needed rains we are getting.... So we decided to share with you our beautiful float that was ready for tonight.
December 3rd Photo by SRWHMG Photographer Karen Carney. How amazing is it to see them grow up wild and free? Do you recognize this fast growing two year old? If you appreciate seeing them, then please don't forget this holiday season that we have to keep up all of our important programs to keep them ...
November 29th To get in the holiday spirit, come see us at the Apache Junction's Holiday and Light Parade Event!! It is this Saturday, December 3rd, at 3 pm, a fun filled day and evening, for the whole family!!. Flatiron Park, 100 N Apache Trail in Apache Junction, Arizona. We will have our holiday booth ...
November 29th Keeping families together, that's what it's all about. 🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴 After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, today is Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving where you can make a real impact. Many organizations will ask you, but we hope you'll consider helping wild horses today, as they are being treated so unfairly. We ...
November 28th We are desperately in need of sponsors for Alpine wild horses! This is where 2 bands get to live. Today for Giving Tuesday Facebook is matching monthly donations!! This means that if you sponsor an Alpine wild horse on this post for just 15 dollars a month, you are really giving 30 dollars ...
November 27th Check out these, one of a kind, wild horse hair Christmas ornaments! The horsehair is from a beautiful Salt River wild horse, collected while volunteers are monitoring horses, fixing fences, and cleaning their habitat. A great way to contribute to our programs! There are many more unique items like jewelry and hats and ...
November 26th Are you as excited as we are? It is the biggest sales weekend of the year and we have sales on wild horse merchandise and calendars!! These make great presents and help us reach our goals for both the Alpines and the Salts. In addition after this Cyber Monday, it's Giving Tuesday, and ...
November 24th We are thankful for you, our supporters and donators. Together we change history one wild horse at a time. SRWHMG. #thanksgiving2022 Hay everyone! Just a little message from all of us to all of you! Happy Thanksgiving!!
November 22nd Wild horses have great value to our community, not only recreational value, but also educational value. The Salt River wild horses bring a great many people together for the cause and this in turn helps keep the Salt River clean. We want to thank Ahwatukee Girl Scout Troop 3008 for coming on an ...
November 21st Update: we found out who and thank you for contacting us! The more good homes the better! Who in the world was bidding against us? We wanted this pair badly because she and her beautiful foal are the last of Greer's band, destined to be reunited with her original band, who were removed ...
November 21st Another way to support our work is by eating a meal at Panda Express online by using the fundraiser code 908944. For every order placed using the code, Panda Express will donate 28% of the total sales to the SRWHMG. Thanks for all your support... order now!
November 20th It is our goal, to save them all! You can help us save them right now!! This first picture is adorable Mirabelle, the youngest Salt River wild horse, and she is safe with her family in the wild, because of the important work we do. But there are babies just like her from ...
November 19th Alpine wild horses getting acclimated, Apache, Kiowa, Amari!! View on our Facebook page.
November 17th - Prelude 🐴💟🐴Apache's mare finally found in the online auction; will be reunited today! As most of you know we have been working extremely hard to try and save as many of the removed Alpine wild horses as possible, in the online auctions by Rail Lazy H. Unfortunately even the popular stallion Apache ...