December 13th On this national day of the horse (December 13th) we should appreciate horses for everything they've done for us, but also simply for their kindness, their innocence and the way they really take care of each other. To us, it is an honor to return the favor to them and take care of ...
December 13th Thank you to our volunteers for wrapping presents for donations at the Nordstrom Wrapping booth @ Tempe Market place . They will be there again all day on December 19th! You can also get your calendars and wild horse holiday gifts there! We want to thank everyone for stopping by! Almost $500 in ...
December 13th As most of you know we protect and humanely manage the Salt River wild horses. With our dedicated volunteer force we monitor the health of every horse, we stabilize their population growth, we patrol the roads for their safety, we help them when needed, we rescue when there is no other option, we ...
December 12th Incredibly, it was exactly 5 years ago, that the news was airing our victory for the Salt River wild horses, - the roundup was canceled permanently,- we will never forget that day! We love and thank all of our hardworking SRWHMG volunteers, we love and thank the public, who really gave them their ...
December 10th 🎄🎅Soon, some of our very appreciated donors and sponsors will receive their Christmas cards! 📮 If you have ordered a calendar or merchandise lately, that is also in the mail! 📬 Let us know when you receive one! 💕We thank our amazing volunteers for working so hard, and we thank our amazing donors ...
December 8th 🥁 Order our spectacular calendar now and you'll receive it guaranteed before Christmas! 🎁 This is the best present for anyone who loves horses... and who doesn't love horses?? 🐴💕 We are a Non Profit Organization dedicated to their protection and humane management. 🙏Every purchase helps the horses. Happy Holidays! ...
December 7th We really appreciate the continuous support from Culver's! Come on by this week 12/7 thru 12/13 to support a local business, while enjoying amazing food and supporting the Salt River wild horses!!! The location is the Culver's at 1263 S Crismon Rd, Mesa, AZ 85209 Hours are : Drive-thru 10:00 am to 10:30 ...
December 5th Snare-trapped. Our field team pays close attention to the health of every Salt River wild horse, and when it was noticed that a wire was coming from stallion Neiman's hock, we knew it had to come off immediately, because it would have cost him his hoof and/or his life. AZDA and SRWHMG jumped ...
December 4th Coming up....amazing field operation! We found this stallion today, limping, with what turned out to be a predator snare trap tightly digging into his fetlock. He was trailing it behind him, so this called for immediate action, so that he would not lose his hoof or his life. Makenzie and the two state ...
December 3rd Op-Ed by our president Simone Netherlands in AZ Central, advocating for humane wild horse management. Please share, for all wild horses everywhere. Thank you, SRWHMG. Click Here to Read the Article!
December 2nd Here is a great article and awesome pictures in a very popular UK newspaper, the Daily Mail. Thank you to one of our photographer supporters, Susan Goudge! And no worries, these fights often seem more severe than they really are. Gaston and Ellie are just fine and are planning their first Christmas together. ...
December 2nd When ten different bands decide to hang out together, you get a mountain in the Tonto National Forest, beautifully decorated with every color Salt River wild horse. We work hard to manage them humanely, please support us in our hard work to keep them wild and free. We are short of our goal, ...
December 1st This giving Tuesday we want to share a very special fundraiser in memory of one of our generous monthly donors who passed away. Will you help this fundraiser reach its goal? In memory of Nancy Kohl. Thank you to her family and friends who made this fundraiser and also purchased almost one semi ...
December 1st Today is giving Tuesday, a day to make your impact count for the Salt River wild horses. On our website: , there are a many ways you can support them, from buying a bale for the horses, buying a calendar or horse necklace, to sponsoring a rescued horse. All of our ...
November 27th Everyone and everything is cooperating in the humane management of the Salt River wild horses,.. except for the weather. Making sure that no Salt River wild horse goes hungry during this drought, is a big job. But thanks to your support, we get that job done. Please remember them this #givingtuesday2020 Thank You!! ...
November 30th Greeting cards, Holiday cards, Calendars, Earrings, cool Necklaces, Bracelets etc, we have it! So on this Cyber Monday, don't shop at the gigantic businesses, shop to help wild horses! Click here!
November 29th Getting ready for the holiday season anyone? Many wild horses currently have burrs in their manes and tails. No worries, they groom each other, and right about after the holiday season they will disappear! Moonshadow seems to have added some tinsel also, very festive. Send us your pictures of horses that appear with ...
November 27th Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Giving Tuesday: Go to our online shop for great deals on horsey stuff! Why not give a gift to someone, that is also a gift to the Salt River wild horses! 100% of profits go into our lifesaving programs. Please like and share for the horses, thank you!! Click here ...
November 26th After we fed the wilds their meal, we are having a little dinner ourselves and we want you our supporters, to know how thankful we are. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Don't let the Salt River wild horses go hungry - Support our cause at Click here for the video!
November 25th Usually in the mornings you can see many horses roaming the hills around mm 36 on Bush Hwy. This is the most northeastern part of their territory, where they like to migrate to during the winter. These horses make use of our feed station close to the SRWHMG property and the weed free ...
November 22nd HAPPY UPDATE : Found and he is ok! Thanks for sharing! We are posting this link from MCSO in case anyone has seen this missing person or feels like looking for him. He is believed to have gone into the Bulldog area off Usery Pass road yesterday. This is an area we patrol ...
November 20th Foal spotlight! Meet Nala! This year, only 16 foals were born in all of the Salt River herd and 15 of them are surviving. 8 of them are fillies and 7 of them are colts. Nala was born on July 17th 2020. The reduced 2020 foal crop is the first-year result of our ...
November 23rd This link will take you to a fun video on our Wild Rescues page. The rescued horses are excited to run from one arena to the next, through the isle way one by one. While once on the brink of death, they are now in amazing shape thanks to our wonderful SRWHMG caretaker ...
November 17th Sneak peek! This is just one of the 13 spectacular images in our beautiful 2021 Salt River wild horse calendar. Click here to order the calendar! The photographs of these beloved wild horses will provide you with inspiration all year long, while providing the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group (SRWHMG) with funding for ...
November 16th Sharing a meal. The foal crop of 2018 are coming of age..they are getting ready to leave their birth bands soon and it is cute to see the budding friendships and romances. Not unlike human teenagers, they are starting to venture out and make connections. These two youngsters each sneaked off from their ...
November 16th Because of the drought in Arizona there is still no forage in the Tonto National Forest... The responsibility lies squarely on us (SRWHMG) to keep the horses healthy It takes 190 bales per week and hundreds of volunteer hours....and certified weed free hay is crazy expensive. This is why we appreciate when our ...
November 14th A wonderful video of two youngsters playing and practicing their sparring skills. They are not bachelors yet, because they each have not left their birth bands, but probably will soon. Watch until one is on top of the other! Lol! Everyone have a great weekend! Video by SRWHMG supporter Alan Palermo. Click Here to ...
November 13th This is going to be an amazing movie, tying the plight of all wild horses in America to the original story of black beauty. It's time for compassion and humane management for all wild horses. Promote it. Thank you. Click Here to Watch the Trailer!
November 12th Here is a feed station update on a monitored band of Salt River wild horses. This is one of the "skinny" bands, but they are doing fantastic. This proves that even under the worst of natural conditions, SRWHMG is able to keep all bands in good condition. Please support our important feed program. ...
November 10th Last night after feed, our feed team found and rescued yet another animal someone dumped in the forest. (Common people) This animal screamed bloody murder as it was being rescued, but right now he is happily eating in a safe enclosure at our property. Can anyone guess what it is? Thank you to ...
November 2nd All wild horses have their stories. Remember Soldier's scary start in life? Remember Sarge and how he lost his entire band, when VSV hoof separation was making him lame? And remember how he never gave up on his true love Serena by limping after her? Here is a very happy update on them. ...
October 30th Things that make us go: SERIOUSLY?? Someone just backed up their trailer and thought "here's a good place for my garbage!?" While we had some fun photo opportunities with the larger discards, like the "yacht" from Gilligan's Island and the orange couch from Friends, it is apparent that some people are just not ...
October 24th Today is national make a difference day and we have a beautiful wild horse necklace on sale, so you can help us make a difference! 100% of proceeds go into our important programs that help keep the Salt River wild horses in their habitat! Share if you care. Thank you so much!
October 22nd Aim to be humane. In all of our proposals and presentations, we predicted that our first year of fertility control would yield between 15 and 20 foals for 2020 and between 5 and 10 foals for 2021. (Compare to over 100 foals born last year) We were right on the money, because we ...
October 17th As a small token of our appreciation for MCSO Lake Patrol we presented two framed canvases to the office and the great deputies, sergeants, lieutenant and captain there, and one for horse expert Deputy Bradshaw with the mounted unit. They are truly awesome and responsive to any issue we have had, be it ...
October 17th As a small token of our appreciation for MCSO Lake Patrol we presented two framed canvases to the office and the great deputies, sergeants, lieutenant and captain there, and one for horse expert Deputy Bradshaw with the mounted unit. They are truly awesome and responsive to any issue we have had, be it ...
October 16th Funny business. Bachelors, they are young stallions, who have aged out of their birth bands, and are learning to find their place and hierarchy in life. You can often find them running, sparring and causing some kind of ruckus all over the forest. They are fun to watch because even while they have ...
October 16th "As the river flows", we call it. The ups and downs of life on the river does resemble a reality soap opera sometimes. In this video you can see many aspects, from a little altercation between two stallions, to the peaceful interaction of two unrelated bands while enjoying a feast together. Water level ...
October 16th For a peaceful night sleep, count all the pretty Salt River wild horses, instead of sheep. Gnite dear supporters,SRWHMG.Click below for our video!
October 13th LIVE! Good morning supporters, here is your daily dose of wild horse therapy. Click Here for the Live Video:
October 14th Special update: this is Soldier and his papa Sarge today, and it is awesome to see them! (and mom and brother too) Why are they special you say? We have been looking for this little family for almost 2 months. When they disappeared, we were monitoring both Soldier and Sarge for very severe ...
October 10th Our Limited Edition 2021 Calendar is now available and turned out spectacular! If you order now, it will be shipped by the end of October. The beautiful images of the Salt River wild horses will provide you with inspiration all year long, while providing the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group with ...
October 9th Run forever free, Uncle Sam. He died- but, more importantly, he lived... really lived. He woke up every day in his home where he knew every corner, every horse and every tree. He was powerful, respected and dignified, but oh so gentle and kind to his foals. He loved every horse in ...
October 8th Covid19 has caused a drop in donations while extreme drought has caused a greater need for feed. Thank you Mesa legend for this article! To support the horses, please donate to our Supplemental Feed Program. The Salt River Wild Horse Management Group (SRWHMG) has had an eventful year. The successful results ...
October 7th So we asked lead stallion Biff to come over and do a demonstration for us this morning. (Not really, but it sure seems that way!) He did an excellent job making the point that we so often try to reiterate; The Salt River wild horses NEED this very important river eelgrass. Unfortunately, ...
October 5th While we do not have a special TNF or AZDA law (just yet) to leash your dogs at all times, we do have a Maricopa County leash law that applies everywhere in the county. Just yesterday, we saw a little dog in danger from a horse; the horse walked right over to ...