Larry’s life was about making a difference, he was also a Vietnam veteran hero, and likewise a hero for wild horses.
Sweet couple Tiago and Acacia; it is just the two of them!
Snow in Prescott! Rescues Gideon and Snow are having fun, too!
These Alpine wild horses are living happily ever after in Prescott, AZ. Today is going to be a good day!
We want to thank each and every one of you who helped to make this happen for them.
Its been such a nightmare journey, but life is about to get good again for them! This is Martin’s band!
💕Your support means far more than you know in this seemingly endless battle. Thank you for pulling out all the stops to save the last Alpines at the Cleburne auction last night! With the help of P.A.W 4 The Foundation , they are on the trailer to their forever sanctuary Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary right now!! Nirvana will do their best to post as soon as they arrive today.
All because they know how much we care and how much our supporters care!
It is essential to recognize that the abuser failed to provide adequate care for these horses, bears full responsibility for their plight, rather than those who were deceived by his false promises. He purchased these horses bidding against Charlotte.
This is a last resort!
There is not much time to raise the funds necessary to save them!
We wanted to know how the public feels about Tristan and his mares.
Now presenting a video showcasing the events of yesterday, highlighting the bond Tristan has established with his mares.
One of our Salt River stallions, Tristan, disappeared for a while to the reservation. Then a week or so ago, here he comes back to the river, with 3 new mares and a yearling!
Guardian, Pioneer, Doula, Yang and Brave, abd 2 Jessica mustangs who will need a name, they will form their own little band at Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary, but they might also run into some of their family members there once their quarantine period is over!
Guardian, Pioneer, Yang, Brave and this is Doula, the Alpine mare who’s foal was shot in front of her. In addition, with last minute incredible donors, two more mustang mares are coming onto Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary transport too!!
ALL 5 Alpines plus 2 “Jessica” Mustangs on their way home to Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary!!
Because of the many questions, here is a video explaining why.
Thank you to all of our searching volunteers today!
For those who may be infrequent visitors to the Lower Salt River, and, to a lesser degree, those who visit every day: have you ever taken a photo of a baby and then, a few years later, wondered, “Where are they now?” Well, you’re in luck today as we take you back to March of 2016.
This 1957 photograph by Harry Vroman shows wild horses in the Tonto National Forest in the exact same area, where you can still find them roaming today!
Thank you for your support for the Salt River wild horses in 2024!!
When you were younger, did you have a “fun” uncle? You know, that uncle who let you do things or maybe taught you stuff that Mom and Dad wouldn’t? At some point in our lives, we’ve all had that person. Well, are you aware that horses also have “fun” uncles?
We want to express our appreciation to our Caretaker Team and our River Feed Team as well as our Road Patrolers, as these volunteers Christmases revolved around caring for Salt River wild horses!
From the bottom of our many grateful hearts we want to thank you for your support this year and wish you the very best and happy Holidays!
We found Lainey for a live feed & AND live with Rascal. Peace on Earth!
When we think of best friends, we think of Cholla and Bella.
Thank you for considering them in your Christmas giving! 🎄
Check out how low the river is!
Yes we know he has a kindoff girlie name, Luna, but that’s because he was born under a full moon and his birth was filmed by Tyler Sichelski, who then named him, thinking he was a girl. (We didn’t have a public naming process back then.) In our app, we logged his official name as …
Stallions develop deep ties to each other due to being emancipated from their birth bands, usually around the age of two, and having to find other bachelors. They learn to lean on one another as they figure out how to live on their own. Over the years, our volunteers have documented hundreds of instances where young stallions connect with other lost souls, forming lifelong friendships.
How beautiful they are ❤️
We are so sad about losing one of our amazing volunteers this week, to cancer.
Today marks a special occasion as we celebrate the birthday of a highly esteemed and dedicated Director of SRWHMG who has been with our organization since 2015!
Help us spread the message that humane wild horse management is the better way!
Today is the last and double vote day so please take just a minute to do it and she might just make it!! Thank you so much!!
What does humane wild horse management mean? It means that we no longer have 100 foals per year, we now have just a few.
We have been monitoring and documenting the Salt River wild horses for many years, and we have spoken many times of their love of family.
Today on Giving Tuesday, please remember that we need you, because we are not funded by anyone but YOU, the public!
Sharing meals is as meaningful to them as it is to us. Family is the cornerstone of their lives.
Eelgrass snorkeling is a Salt River wild horse behavior that is taught through the generations.
Our volunteers seem to always be in the right place, at the right time, to make a difference!
It was difficult to widdle down, but here are the 4 final name choices!
The fire yesterday delayed us a little, but now it is time for the name suggestions for the latest and cutest addition to the Salt River Herd!
FIRE!!! Started at 6.15 pm. Our volunteers, who are always in the area, have called 911.THANK YOU, Sharon, Kelly and Angela. UPDATE: 6.24 pm MCSO Lake Patrol got there quickly and is assessing. Thank you. UPDATE 6.45 pm 2 firetrucks, Rural Metro arrived on scene, we are monitoring and will keep everyone updated. UPDATE: 7.10 …
We’re feeling good! Welcome, child of Nichy!
We extend our gratitude to American Wild Horse Conservation, SRWHMG attorney Randall Weiner, and everyone who has supported our cause.
This is a cool pic to post today, after the video of how Soldier made his 100% recovery.
He proves that we made the right decision for him, even while his hock was fractured.
We are so sick of the contempt, discrimination and targeting of wild horses on our public lands.
We know all too well that the contempt for wild horses is often perpetuated by employees of the Forest Service and their contractors, deep within.
Please enjoy and follow share and support SRWHMG. Thank you
We did not think with how much it was going to cost, that we could pull it off, but THANK YOU for the incredible response => thanks to this he has a wonderful life ahead of him!
This is so sad. We found the Palomino stallion named Sundance, who we let go in the Cleburne auction when the bid reached $1600.
Salt River wild horses indeed do still have natural predators and even healthy adult horses have lost their lives.
They are very scared, and u cannot blame them after the frightening way people have treated them so far. What will happen next, is they’ll get time to de-stress and adjust, and learn that Kourtney is their best friend.
Watch what happens when baby Wonder wants to join his brother Splendor in playing.
Rascal and Soldier were nice about it.
But now these beautiful Alpines are headed to their forever sanctuaries Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary and P.A.W 4 The Foundation.
These are extreme prices, and they separated the babies from the moms in the auction.
The auction is starting and we found benefactors for our Wild Horse Weekends and one benefactor wanted us to raffle hers off again!! So here we go!
Tomorrow marks the last chance for the last of the Alpine wild horses.
Tomorrow’s Cleburne auction is a last chance for rescue, requiring a minimum of $3,500 per horse to prevent sale to killbuyers or rodeo operators‼️
We are launching this critical fundraising campaign to rescue more innocent Alpine wild horses from the Cleburne Auction this Wednesday October 30th!
On Oct 30th we have to prevent the worst horror from happening, there is still time!
We are not 100 % sure, but we believe traps like this cannot be used on public lands.
These are THE best images of the year, with THE stories of the horses and this is the ONLY calendar that benefits the horses!!!
It is something we as people have a hard time feeling.
Out of only 3 foals this year, Venus gave birth to the only filly.
She is sometimes mistaken for Makenzie because of her blonde mane and she is in fact her full sister!
We celebrate the initial inhabitants of this land, encompassing Native Americans as well as wild horses.
“Elvis” escaped in Usery Park, during one of his training sessions, and he seemed determined to become a wild horse again
Please share if you can, for Hay for the Salt River wild horses!
Today is her Birthday and this month it’s also her 9 year anniversary with SRWHMG!!
When should foals should be separated from their mommas? Well…
The eelgrass grows on the bottom of the Salt River. Count how long this mare can hold her breath!
Our very first two rescues, Rosco and Pacman, from the brink of death, to healthy powerful and happy, and still best friends.
It is WHY we fight to keep them together, it is WHY we work so hard to keep them wild and free!
Unfollow these former advocates who are now trying to sabotage Alpine rescue efforts.
This small family, so precious, but unfortunately might be sold at the horrible Cleburne auction on September 25th, alongside up to 30 other Alpines, 4 days from now on Sept 25th!
Elephants and wild horses, they realize what death is, and they mourn deeply. They pay their respects usually for an entire day, first her own family band, but then other bands come too.
Although not required under our contract, this initiative is crucial for ensuring the horses’ as well as the public safety along the Salt River!
Every year, when the AZ temps have killed all the grasses and weeds, the horses clean them up. After that, and after the river gets turned down, there will be very little left to eat.
Listen to the full podcast! Please thank Visit Mesa, and of course Simone!