July 25th @ 3PM If you have any questions after listening to this video, please ask them below and we will answer. With thanks to the AZDA and FS for the ability to treat the Salt River River wild horses humanely. To learn more, peruse our website.
July 25th @ 9AM It's finally raining in Arizona! ...Wait. Tornado? Picture taken at SRWHMG property by Cris Becker.
July 24th @ 11AM For a good start to your day and that totally zen feeling, breath deeply and watch and listen to this peaceful video 3 more times. SRWHMG.
July 23rd @ 11PM More humane, more cost effective & more sustainable. As you know we keep an eye on wild horse politics and we work with our coalition partner the American Wild Horse Campaign on national issues. We are happy today, because for the first time in Washington DC, the house voted to use ...
July 23rd @ 1PM Interesting morning. We are not the Salt River Domestic Animal Management Group, so please don't dump domestic animals in the Tonto National Forest! (But we will make sure they live happily ever after anyway) Thank you! SRWHMG.
July 22nd @ 10AM Some magical places still exist in this world, because people stood up for it. Once slated for roundup and removal, these are the Salt River wild horses, living happily ever after, because of people like you who support our organization and our goals. They are humanely managed through birth control PZP ...
July 21st @ 7PM Sharing the details of the feed program from the AZDA. It is great to work with a state government that is for the humane treatment of these iconic animals, and it is great to have the support of Arizonans. Have a great night. SRWHMG. Supplemental Feed Program. While a wet spring ...
July 21st @ 12PM Do you love them like we do? Do they often make your day? Do you see the love and caring, does time stand still when you watch them play? For the public and by the public, that's how we keep them here. Help us manage them humanely, if you hold them ...
July 20th @ 3PM We want to give a big thank you to our Arizona lawmakers Rep Grijalva (D) and Rep Schweikert (R) who are leading the way in congress right now on an amendment to require the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to use at least part of their budget for humane fertility control ...
July 20th @ 2PM Managing them humanely, responsibly, sustainably and cost efficiently = sensibly! The dart only stays in a few seconds before it falls out and we go pick it up. One dart in the but is better than a foal in the oven, especially when they are under 2 years old! Please share ...
July 19th @ 8PM Our non-profit is committed to help the Salt River wild horses through hard times, come rain or come shine. It is time for the supplemental feed program again, due to no rain at the Salt River. As the public, we said: "please let them stay, and we will take care of ...
July 18th @ 1AM Out of all the beautiful places in the world... is this not special? This is what we are working to preserve, for future generations of Arizonans, and people from around the world. Have a great night, everyone. To support their humane management, please donate on our website. Watch the video by ...
July 16th @ 4PM What do wild horses and restaurants have in common? This raffle supports them both! We are raffling 500 Dollars worth of breakfast, lunches, and dinners, and your chances of winning are huge! SRWHMG and restaurants have both been hit hard with Covid-19 and need your support. These 16 cards range from ...
July 15th @ 1PM Today is national I love horses day! We love them every day, of course, all of them. If you do too, please make a comment your favorite horse or horses. Happy I love horses day! SRWHMG.
July 15th @ 1AM Following up on Diamond's story for anyone who is faced with a difficult decision because of severe hoof issues. It IS possible for a horse to grow an entire hoof back, even if none of it is left. The top picture is Diamond, a very special Salt River wild horse, who ...
July 14th @ 10AM The Arizona Department of Agriculture (AZDA) has just made a Facebook page especially for the Salt River herd! This page will give official updates about the herd and people can also ask questions there. This first post talks about the relocation of the Butcher Jones horses. Without the AZDA we would ...
July 13th @ 9PM Here's an update on Diamond: Diamond would have died a slow terrible death in the wild, because he got his hoof stuck in a cattleguard. In his attempts to free himself, he ripped his hoof off, yes completely off. We were advised by veterinarians to euthanize him, which was not unreasonable, ...
July 11th @ 1PM Thirsty? Extreme temperatures of 116F in Arizona can be rough on everyone, including wild horses. So please let them get their drink and let them stay in the river to cool off, by not approaching or disturbing them. As you can see and hear in this video, there were lots of ...
July 10th @ 1PM Introducing Makenzie Gleave, our Salt River Horse Liason with the Arizona Department of Agriculture (AZDA). We were checking on Mick's band today. They look pretty happy in their new surroundings. Makenzie has an extensive horse background and we think she is awesome. It's great that the State of Arizona is on ...
July 10th @ 9AM "Tomorrow, the House Appropriations Committee will vote on the FY 2021 Interior Appropriations bill. This bill will fund the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) Wild Horse and Burro Program and determine whether limits are placed on the agency’s mass roundup plan for America’s mustangs." - American Wild Horse Campaign Having fought ...
July 9th @ 9PM Some very playful 2019 born youngsters are entertaining themselves with some trash. Watch how the brother treats it like a new toy, and then his sisters want to play with it too, and one if them wants to dress him up with it, very fun to watch! These three band siblings ...
July 8th @ 7AM Keeping them wild and free. Wild horse populations grow each year by an average of 15%. That is because they are amazing survivors. However, this causes the government to round up wild horses by the thousands every year, which is not humane, and very costly, because then they have to keep ...
July 5th @ 8PM If things didn't go up in flames, you didn't get sick, and you didn't lose anyone or anything you love, well, then you count your blessings that you get to live another day in paradise. Appreciate everything. Here's why we were thankful today. This is Coon Bluff, the start of Wild ...
July 4th @ 3AM Why do Americans have such a close connection to wild horses? Because we look at them and we see and feel freedom. There isn't anything more American than that. Today, we celebrate and appreciate freedom all around, theirs as well as our own. Celebrate responsibly. Happy Independence day to all of ...
July 2nd @ 1PM As the contractor for the State of Arizona and in cooperation with the US Forest Service, the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group (SRWHMG)has gradually and successfully relocated a total of 60 wild horses back to the lower Salt River. The move spanned 6 miles walking distance (or 4 miles as ...
July 1st @ 11PM Snow and Gideon are the best at saying thank you for saving their lives, they are always happy and playful, it's as if they understand that their lives are a precious gift. They are celebrating their 2 year birthdays today and tomorrow! It's hard to explain how important your support is, ...
July 1st @ 12PM Snow is 2 years old today! He lives happily ever after because of your support. It's hard to explain how important that support is, except when you see the before and after in person. Snow's story is one of humane solutions. Could we have left nature be nature, sure we could ...
June 30th @ 12PM June 30th 2013, a solemn 7 year anniversary. Our friend and honorary board member Amanda Marsh is in our hearts today. Did you know that Eric Marsh loved the Salt River wild horses and owned a rescued wild horse of his own? Amanda is one of our biggest supporters and the ...
June 29th @ 3PM This may seem like a strange scenario, but here on the Salt River everything works out. The horses wait patiently until the crowds subside, and bus drivers wait patiently until horses move on. A little mutual respect goes such a long way. It is not easy for the horses to live ...
June 27th @ 11PM Holy smokes that was a close call, but it was expediently nipped in the bud by the Forest Service! It was an impressive show of air and water force. Click below for their update. It is beyond frightening that it only takes one spark, one accident or just one nimwitted person ...
June 25th @ 10PM 🌡Another hot weekend is coming up with 105 to 108F temperatures and zero percent chance of rain. 🔥Fire restrictions remain in effect and dangerous fire conditions persist with southwest winds up to 10 to 15 miles per hour. The Bush fire is at 86% contained and 186.000 acres burnt.👏Thank you to ...
June 25th @ 1AM Did you know that the large piles of horse manure you see in the Tonto National Forest are territorial and communication markings for wild horses? They are called stud piles, or dung depots, and almost every dominant stallion who comes across it, will stop, and smell it intensely, gathering as much ...
June 21st @ 12PM A wild horse father and his son.... Does it need any words? Happy Father's Day to all fathers all across the world! SRWHMG Picture by SRWHMG photographer Paul Martin.
June 20th @ 8PM Because we get a lot of questions, confusion and strange rumors on this, we've made this colored map to explain the best that we can. The Salt River wild horses live on Tonto National Forest exclusively, and this map represents the current situation. First it is important to understand that we ...
June 19th @ 12PM Three weeks ago a special new foal was born, and she is doing great today! These pictures are from her first day. (she is a lot bigger and sturdier now.) Ironically, this newborn will get to live her life wild and free, mostly because many other foals are NOT being ...
June 16th @ 11PM We are so very grateful to this wonderful couple Debbie and Doug! When we put out a call that we were in need of a property truck, we did not hear back from any of the dealerships we contacted. So we were very disappointed. Just as we let it go, we ...
June 16th @ 6PM These are just a few of the pictures our volunteers have been taking of the Bush Fire. It looks like all of 4 peaks is on fire now, very sad and very scary. All it took for this 70,000 acre 🔥 fire to start was one car that caught fire on ...
June 14th @ 4PM: We are ok! We watched as the Forest Service airtankers were preventing the Fire from jumping the highway at our SRWHMG property yesterday. That would have been a disaster (so it was a tense moment), but Mick's band, who are close by, showed no concern whatsoever. This reminds us of when ...
On a daily basis our volunteers pick up tons of trash. There are also great organizations like Natural Restorations who organize cleanup days, and the tubing company has employees who also pick up daily. But we really do have a real problem with the trash all along and in the precious Salt River. We wish ...
After arriving on scene, @Arizona Equine Rescue and Dr. Leo Egar assessed the burro and sadly, his injuries were too severe, there was just not any way to save little guy. It is one of those sad times when the best thing you can do, is to help the poor animal out of misery as ...
"Why is there a foal on a fanboat?" Rosy's rescue one year ago was a great example of how, here on the Salt River, authorities and our non-profit work together to make humane wild horse management a success. This is the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO), the Arizona Department of Agriculture (AZDA) and the Salt ...
Salt River Wild Rescues on a really hot day! ; ) These fun loving, silly and gentle souls were once dealt a very unlucky circumstance in the wild, and needed rescue. When they had zero chance left in the wild, with your support we were able to change their fate. We've never had to say ...
We are going into our 3rd year under contract with the AZDA for the humane management of the Salt River wild horses. Here is an update from the AZDA. Please thank them for everything they do to make this great program possible. SRWHMG.
With a bit of a stiff hip and his left eye half closed, the beautiful old stallion definitely looks like he has been in a battle. We are glad that he chose retirement, before he hurt himself worse (wisdom), as we have seen that too. We all loved seeing the little family of three within ...
While there may be more important news in our country right now, we do want to give you the news tonight that Shadowfax is alive. However, it appears that he has been chased away by a stronger younger stallion- away from his mare. 📸 Picture by SRWHMG Rick Blandford It's fairly safe to say that ...
This is a NO picture post on purpose. Dear photographers and advocates, Let the subject of your photography be more important than the photo itself. Keep the focus on their well being, not on the many awwws and ohhhs you get, for posting a foal first. The average survival rate for Salt River foals to ...
When recreating on the lower Salt River there's a chance you might run into some wild horses, literally. This week, the theme has been about harassment. The guy aggressively chasing a band of wild horses (with a foal) out of the river upset thousands and thousands of people so much so that it made the ...
BREAKING: Closure Order in effect restricting equestrian recreation along the lower Salt River, starting at 6 am today May 29th until June 29th 2020, or until rescinded. Map attached. We have identified additional suspected cases of VSV, while not confirmed, the symptoms and lesions are consistent with the disease. There are 13 suspect horses at ...
If you cannot get enough of the Salt River wild horses, (or if you cannot find them) this is the page where you can see amazing pictures, live videos, GoPro videos and updates every day: Salt River Wild Horses - Advocates. We post updates there, too, like this post about the Butcher Jones bands who ...
Update on June 16th, 1 month later: We got the truck! We are in dire need of a truck for pulling the water trailer, the horse trailer, the hay trailer, and for our field fencing maintenance. We are relocating Mick's band and they need water every morning and night. We are calling on our supporters ...
Wild horses of Butcher Jones Beach are now at the Salt River this year. On any hot summer day at Butcher Jones Beach, it is tricky to manage your way between a thousand people, loose dogs, coolers and barbecues, if you want to reach the cool water. Yet this small stretch of not even 800 ...
Tomorrow the recreation areas in the Tonto National Forest will re-open. The horses have had a reprieve from people for a while and with Salt River Tubing opening as well, we are expecting a whole lot of people all at once. The only way that people and wild horses will be able to peacefully co-exist ...
Success! It has taken a while to find him and bait trap him, but we have reunited straggler boy with his band. With a little patience and natural horsemanship, he was very cooperative. Once released on the riverside of the highway, with his band, he said hi to his mom and brother quickly, but then ...
Relocation of Mick's band from the Butcher Jones area to the protected Salt River Area. (This currently consists of approximately 20,000 acres) Our attempts at enticing Mick's band through the tunnel (like the previous 5 bands) were unsuccessful due to public interference. Therefore the AZDA stepped in and captured the entire band at Butcher Jones, ...
Thank you Arizona Department of Agriculture (AZDA) for this clarifying statement and for the great working relationship for the humane management of the Salt River wild horses. Together with the public, we are preserving a priceless, historic and recreational resource to behold as part of our national heritage. Sincerely, SRWHMG. From AZDA's Facebook ...
Can anyone imagine any of our cherished wild horses being gunned down, shot and killed from helicopters? What panic and suffering will ensue among these absolutely kind and loving animals. THIS is what our Australian friends are going through, and we want to help them. The Barmah Brumbie Preservation Group, Murray Willaton, came all the ...
"Thank you mom, for protecting me so fiercely, for showing me your wise ways, and for always putting my interests above your own." Wild horse mothers are called "dams" and they are among the animal kingdom's best and most doting mothers, along with primates and elephants. It is why wild horse herds thrive almost anywhere ...
Today is Peanut's first birthday!! Remember when we were frantically searching for his mother in the forest? Sadly we never found who she was, but we try to give our rescues a happy life, as close as possible to what they would have had in the wild; a real wild horse family. He is living ...
The MCSO Lake Patrol Mounted Unit rescued Judy today, who is a friend of the group. Judy is 80 years old and became separated from her daughter in the forest, and the two could not find each other. With rising temperatures the mounted unit located Judy and rode her on a horse out of the ...
UPDATE from Forest Service: As of 6:00 pm, the Wala Fire is 100% contained, and the finale acreage is 6.2 acres. The Wala Fire was reported at 2:15 pm, and was located just east of FS Roads 11 and 143 in the Four Peaks Recreation Area. The Wala Fire remains under investigation. No structures were ...
Last night, the Arizona Department of Agriculture, AZDA, successfully relocated Mick's band from the Butcher Jones area to the riverside of their habitat. This was something we had been attempting for a while, through the tunnels, but we were unsuccessful, because of public interference. We feel this move is in the best interest of this ...
Images may be disturbing to some. All horses in gallery have recovered 100%. Our contract with the AZDA for the humane management of the Salt River wild horses, includes the monitoring of wild horses with injuries. In any herd of wild animals there is a natural injury and death rate, which is much higher than ...
We were once so proud of horse advocates. Horse advocates, they stuck together for one common goal, but right now, we are ashamed, and we have to tell you why. As most everyone knows, we are humanely managing an incredibly cherished and popular herd of wild horses in the Tonto National Forest. Not one of ...
3 years ago today, Forest Service firefighters saved the Tonto National Forest. Between April 25th and April 30th of 2017, 825 acres of wild horse habitat burned down, and it was frightening. Below are some of the pictures we took. Ashes were falling on the horses, and on us, while we monitored and worked with ...
National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to recognize the impact of volunteer service and celebrate that the power of volunteers can transform the world in many ways. Right now during this corona virus crisis, there are many volunteers at work in all corners of the world whom we want to thank. Likewise we want to ...
Tomorrow on Earth day, April 22nd, a campfire ban will go into effect earlier than normal in all 6 national Forests, including the Tonto National Forest where the Salt River wild horses roam. Forest Fires are a constant worry for us during fire season. Great decision by the Forest Service. For more info, click this ...
For your safety and theirs, please keep a 50 ft distance at all times, even if they come your way! (pun intended) Please do note, we have seen a LOT of rattlers out right now, be careful, they are harder to spot than wild horses, and they don't politely get out of your way like ...
Last month we told you about the sad end of King's band, after King's lieutenant stallion Gandalf was found dead. After we searched for all of Kings mares, we let you know that they were all accounted for, but in different places, and they were each with different young stallions. After 15 years of being ...
We were looking at celebrating our 75,000 milestone on our Facebook page, and noticed our recent stats which are pretty amazing! We want to thank YOU for your undying support, because without it, the Salt River wild horses would be nowhere. We want YOU to know that your "like" is not just an insignificant little ...
This is a follow up on our previous post. We decided to name him Kindness at the popular advice of our supporters, and also as kind of a sign of the times. We hope that we can all keep Kindness in mind at all times. Q and A: So why do we give wild horses ...
The hard battle for their preservation, the ongoing struggle for their humane management, navigating through drought and strangles, coping with habitat reductions and dealing with drama and misinformation; it is very tough and it truly never ends, but it is all worth it. As you can see here, Arizona is preserving an incredibly beautiful and ...
We received a complaint yesterday- it was serious; someone was very upset and explained that last year at this time, he got lots of pics of babies... and this year, he could not find even one. BEST COMPLIMENT EVER! 🥳 Last year, on this exact day, we had 25 foals on the ground - this ...
At this difficult time we plead with you 🙏, please do not forget about the Salt River wild horses and our important rescue program. Even now our rescues at our facility need to eat and our work needs to continue, because these horses count on us. 💶 Our programs do not get funded by anyone ...
Survival. We are all in survival mode. Wild horses are always in survival mode so we can learn a lot from them. During this difficult time of donations we, as an organization, also have to survive. We really appreciate all of our loyal donors and we appreciate all photographers who give a percentage of their ...
Watch the transformation! That's what humane management is all about. Happy Birthday Pacman!! (4 years old today!) Here are 10 ways YOU can help. At this difficult time we plead with you, please do not forget about the Salt River wild horses, and our important rescue program! Our rescues at our facility need to eat ...
Diverting a little bit from our regular programming we want to see if our supporters would like to protect Arizona burros as well as Arizona wild horses. Today, in the spirit of April fools day, plus Coronavirus, plus burros, we made a humorous and relevant image that we hope you will share. Also, today is ...
The Salt River wild horses need your help and this April 7th it is Arizona Gives day! We are hoping that you won't forget about these Arizona treasures, during these difficult times for everyone. 🐴 In 2015 we saved the Salt River wild horses and offered better solutions as an alternative; we promised that we ...
This little horse may look like just a brown horse to anybody, but this Salt River wild horse has a story. Her name is Spring, and she is alive today because of humane wild horse management. She was less than 2 weeks old when she became separated and very far lost from her band. At ...
What we do for the Salt River wild horses and why we need your support In 2015, we saved the Salt River wild horses by "stampeding" Congress and the Forest Service while also offering solutions as an alternative; we promised that we could manage wild horses humanely, for the public and by the public. We ...
To all who believe in humane wild horse management, to all who can see clearly through the meanest of mudslinging elsewhere, and to all who take time out of their lives, time and time again, to give these sensitive, innocent, and beautiful wild horses a voice... we love you. While we were at the house ...
At a hearing before the Land & Agriculture Committee you committed to amend your bill, HB 2858, to address the concerns that it would prohibit necessary, life-saving management activities for the Salt River wild horses. On March 9, you posted a press release informing the public that you were putting your bill on hold (while ...
Committee Hearing is today, Monday March 16th 1 pm. From the safety of your homes, please take action online TODAY to stop this attack on the beloved Salt River wild horses. What You Can Do: Please send emails to the rules committee members, here are their addresses. After that please also post on their social ...
Good or bad, we bring you news about the Salt River wild horses, this time the news is sad. After a note to our fb page from a concerned citizen about a carcass in a remote area, our volunteers went out to search. They crossed the Salt River and hiked all afternoon until they found ...
This is a beautiful and really close look into the bonding process of mom and brand new foal, and the rest of the band. It is the reason why we ask to give wild horses a respectful space. View the video on The Dodo Site's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thedodosite/videos/194870035156699 She was born on April 11th, 2019 ...
ALL CLEAR! A Strangles (Streptococcus Equi) outbreak started in July of 2019, which was discovered and confirmed in August 2019. It has affected a total of 49 Salt River wild horses, mostly the very young and the very old. We monitored each new case closely and quickly established that each new case healed in an ...
The Salt River wild horses, even the babies, are perfectly equipped to deal with a rainstorm. This is one of the few foals we will see this year. We don't get a lot of rain but when cold weather does strike, you’ll probably notice the horse’s coats “standing up,” and making them look fuzzier, softer, ...
Drama; Woman pursues band of horses all afternoon, to hinder SRWHMG. Like we talked about in our previous post, we have a fringe group of "non fans". Sadly, they will not hear of reason and they manage to twist and turn everything we do for the horses, into a bad thing. It has gone from ...
Public record: This is a letter from Forest Supervisor Neil Bosworth about the current AZDA/SRWHMG project to bring Mick's band through the tunnel to the "safe side"; the legal Salt River horse habitat. This is NOT a plot by the Forest Service to get rid of any horses. There is no roundup planned of any ...
Lots and lots of Salt River wild horses. Have you ever noticed that on some days you find not a wild horse, and on some days it seems like you have hit the wild horse jackpot? That is because wild horses find safety and familiarity in numbers. They each have their distinct family bands, but ...