November 19th The horses stayed up late tonight, under the full moon, so peaceful. Goodnight everyone. SRWHMG.
November 19th Facebook seems to be totally discriminating the link to buy our calendar! Most of our followers have not seen it in their news feed. That's not right as these wild horses depend on a nonprofit organisation (us) to make enough money to be able to take care of them, keep them safe from ...
November 18th It is a spectacular, amazing piece of film, which we can really appreciate. It takes many hours of patience, watching and filming the horses and even more hours editing footage. While it may look super intense, please know that a wild horse has never died from battling another wild horse; it is is ...
November 18th Thank you for supporting the Salt River Wild Horses with the purchase of our wildly popular Calendar! All orders have been shipped and you will receive them even before Thanksgiving! We make this calendar every year, because we want to share their spectacular beauty and peace, but we also need to sustain our ...
November 18th Please join us in congratulating our Salt River Horse Liaison with the AZDA for graduating law enforcement yesterday! She is now a sworn Salt River Horse Officer. Congratulations, Makenzie! Earlier, we named a new foal in honor of her!
November 14th Thanks to your support for our hard work, to keep it that way. Did you know that buying our spectacular 2022 calendar will help pay for their humane management? It's so easy to buy right here. Do you still recognize this popular most adorable of 2019 foals? He now looks a lot different, ...
November 13th So we are posting this video for educational purposes and we will explain why. (note: This clip falls within legal rights of filming people on public lands.) Salt River wild horses are protected by State law and have a legal right to live in this 20,000 acre habitat. This is not a very ...
November 12th Come out to see us... SRWHMG will have a small booth at Fenders + Vendors tomorrow, November 13, 2021 from 10 am to 2 pm at Las Sendas Boulder Mountain Parke. Hope to see ya....
November 11th Happy Veteran's Day! Respect and honor to all veterans past and present from SRWHMG.
November 10th Lieutenant Chad Brackman of our Lake Patrol division (the heros of the Tonto National Forest) was struck and killed this morning in Scottsdale. The Lake Patrol division serves the lower Salt River, so we see them often, doing heroic things like rescuing people out of the river etc.. Our hearts go out to ...
November 5th 11:25AM Batman update! Stay tuned in the next half hour. Click "see first" on our page so that Facebook will show you our updates!! SRWHMG. Watch the video on Facebook 12:58PM 👉 Batman Update: We did our best to document and explain Batman's veterinary and dental procedure. 🤚Warning: do not watch if ...
November 2nd Wild horses contribute a great deal of positive elements to the environment they live in. They are the creators of the mesquite forests, which serve as protective shaded resting areas for themselves as well as all other wildlife and birds. They then also landscape these forests by hedging the mesquite trees from the ...
October 31st They are scary good.. and because our cause is so important, we are running a SPECIAL this Halloween and all week. Buy 3, get 1 of these spooktacular calendars completely free! Now you can be all set for the holidays early. The more you buy, the more you support the horses. Thank you ...
October 30th This LIVE stream is taken with a super telephoto lens over 100 feet away by Drew Hastings. The horses are having an amazing eel grass feast ( before it dries up.) Amazing footage! Thank you for your support. SRWHMG. Watch the video here!
October 30th Calling for change. Sorry for the grossness, we promised we would be back to show you what happens when the Salt River goes below 100CFS. (Cubic Feet per Second). Dead fish and rotting eelgrass everywhere. Not exactly the beautiful recreational haven it should be. It is just highly unnecessary. We are still calling ...
October 27 at 1:29 PM · The river is at 480 today, horses are still eating River eelgrass. A beautiful morning on the lower Salt River! October 28 at 9:59 AM · Today and tomorrow, Simone will be back to do a live feed around 11 am AZ time, in order to document the lowering of the Salt River by SRP and the effects it ...
October 26th The river is still at 768 CFS today. Here is a picture of all the "other" amazing wild animals that depend on the Salt River and it's aquatic food supply. Our point being that the horses are not the only ones to suffer when SRP reduces the water to 8 CFS. This ecosystem ...
October 24th Sadly according to SRP , (Salt River Project) this is the last day of 800 CFS (Cubic Feet per Second) in the Salt River and it will be at 8CFS (1%) by October 30th. #Srp #srpconnect Why? Because they switch the river system from the Stewart Mountain dam to the Bartlett dam during ...
October 24th 😪We are so sad for this gorgeous bobcat and so much other wildlife that gets killed on Bush Hwy. Fortunately, ever since the forest service fencing has been up, no horses have gotten hit, which we are very happy about. But because horses no longer can cross the road, they've lost the south ...
October 23rd Today is national "make a difference day" and we want to thank you all for making a difference with us! We may sometimes ask you to thank a legislator, or write an email to SRP, or write a public comment, or share an important alert. It is because all of us on our ...
October 22nd We had a meeting that included the president of SRP, the vice president, two board members plus their hydrologists. On our side it included our lobbyist Steve Bloch, our Salt River horse Liaison Makenzie and, of course, our president Simone Netherlands. We are sad to report that we were not successful, and we ...
October 21st We have long advocated for fertility control over roundups. Humane management over removals. We are proving that it works and all of the public of Arizona is happy that the Salt River wild horses are still here. Without our succesful fertility control program they wouldn't be. We have had lots of help from ...
October 20th Watch the update on our Facebook Page We want to thank our amazing supporters who make it possible for us to find space for one more Salt River wild horse, who deserves humane treatment. Batman had a very good first rescue day. He ate and drank good and had a very good nap. ...
October 18th As most of you know, we've been monitoring old Batman in his aging and deteriorating condition, and he was hanging inthere, keeping up with his band. We figured he wanted to stay wild and free until the bitter end, that is how old wild horses die, and it's completely natural. He showed amazing ...
October 18th We are calling for a vital change for the ecosystem. We are calling for a minimum of 100 CFS (Cubic Feet per Second) from SRP (Salt River Project) to prevent the die-off of the eelgrass. But it's not just for the horses, it is sorely needed for the entire ecosystem, including the willows ...
October 17th Watch video on Facebook LIVE : Salt River wild horses enjoying life and eelgrass. Unfortunately next week the river will be turned off by SRP. : ((
October 15th 🌟Spotlight on a very resilient stallion 🌟 🐴Wind is a chestnut stallion who broke his leg back in 2014. It was broken so badly that volunteers of SRWHMG thought at the time, he might not survive. Then, Wind disappeared. The worst was feared, that he went off alone and died. Miraculously, he reappeared ...
October 9th Beautiful stories of love happen on the Salt River every day, and many great photographers appreciate these social bonds between wild horses and write about it on our Advocates page, for people who may not be so lucky to see wild horses a lot. We call these family interactions "herd dynamics", also nicknamed ...
October 7th Have you contacted SRP to ask for 100CFS minimum for the lower Salt River? Thank you! If not, would you take just 5 minutes to do this tomorrow? We need to drown the SRP corporate board in emails and calls. Pun intended. Sticking to an environmentally responsible minimum of 100 CFS, would only ...
October 3rd Because of the recent rains we have ended the feed program for the Salt River wild horses. The feed program was a hardship for our organization, but it prevented hardship and starvation of the horses. It got them through the long-lasting drought in Arizona. Therefore the abundant eelgrass in the river is currently ...
September 30th SRWHMG programs ensure the humane management and longterm protection of the Salt River wild horses. Yes but where's Shadowfax? SRWHMG has saved the Salt River wild horses from starvation during the long-lasting drought in Arizona. Yes, but where's Shadowfax? SRWHMG spends thousands of man hours cleaning and improving wild horse habitat. Yes, but ...
September 25h The traveling bands - a beautiful goodnight video. Share if you care about wild horses! Gnite, SRWHMG
September 24h Because last year we sold out of our limited edition Calendars, we are going to print an additional amount this year, according to how many pre-orders we receive. But after they are gone they are still going to be gone. (as it goes with limited editions) Most calendars you will find will benefit ...
September 22nd Happy first day of fall 2021 to our supporters! It is important to continue our mission of keeping them safe, healthy, wild and free, so please continue to support us. Click like on not just our posts, but on our page, and please invite all of your friends to like our page. Every ...
September 20th Just 20 minutes from the hussle and bussle of the great metropolis, you can find a little piece of American history, living symbols of the pioneering spirit of the American West. They roam on almost 20,000 acres on, in, and along approx 14 miles of the lower Salt River. They have a right ...
September 19th Wild horses roam together in family groups called bands (the word herd is sometimes used, but is incorrect) There is always at least one lead stallion and one lead mare to form a band, but there is no exact formula. Much like human families, we find that there is not one family exactly ...
September 17th Imagine the hard physical work of hauling bales of hay, fixing fences, hiking the desert and taking care of our rescues, then add in the extreme Arizona heat, and many people don't understand how we get it all done, but we will tell you a secret... Here you can see our feed team ...
September 8th Meanwhile in Arizona, there's a black foal growing up without the fear of helicopters.. Moonshadow turned one year old last month. Here she is with her mother, her sister and her aunt, who never stray farther than a few steps from her. The real love and strong bonds these social animals display, are ...
September 7th We cheer for his perseverance, his bravery and his personal victory over a terrible and cruel roundup. Let's hear it for Merlin of Sand Wash Basin, for the SWAT volunteers, and let's hear as many of your voices as possible against the roundups and FOR humane management in the field. There are better ...
September 6th This is a picture of a brave Sand Wash basin stallion attempting to take this very young foal back to its mother who is in the trapsite, stampeded there by the Cattoor helicopter, hired by our federal government. This beautiful stallion, Merlin, paid for this last heroic deed with his freedom. If this ...
September 6th It really is hard work, it really is blood sweat and tears, and it really is a labor of love. But it's all worth it. Happy Labor Day everyone. SRWHMG.
September 4th Thanks to the monsoon rains, we have ended our huge feed program that was so necessary because of the horrendous longstanding drought in Arizona. The Salt River wild horses have gone back to eating vegetation, grasses, eelgrass and mesquite leaves! We have gotten them through some truly hard times, and want to thank ...
August 30th 🌿The art of picking the grass from between the many weeds. The ways of the wild seem so synonymous with many things in life. Picture taken with Nikon 500 lens and cropped by SRWHMG Rick Blandford.
August 27th Needless to say this could have been very very bad! We are urging everyone to spread this message; please Shut the gates, every, single, time, even when it's just for 5 minutes, or when the gate is hard to shut. (Foxtail) It was Kayo's band, causing this wild scene earlier today. Some of ...
August 25th Background: SRWHMG performs a scope of work under contract with the AZDA for the Salt River wild horses, but we also do much more, like our Road Patrol program. This is not required under our contract, but we have always done it anyway, for the safety of horses and people and lots of ...
August 20th Photo by Cindy Pope, SRWHMG volunteer. This is Makenzie, she will be one month old in 5 days and she is growing faster than the weeds that surround her! There are lots of toxic weeds outthere right now, because of the recent rain, including poppy's and huge fields of different kinds ...
August 14th LIVE from the lower Salt River, Arizona! We have a recording of the big Hardy/Cisco band on our facebook page. Check it out now!
August 14th “ You left me, just when I needed you most. I carried you through thick and thin, I helped you travel lands, I let you steer me step by step, my leads in your cold hands. When you went through hardships, you knew you could press on, undaunted in your darkest hours with ...
August 11th She was born in the northern hills of the Salt River Horse habitat on a rare rainy day in Arizona, a state that cares about their wild horses. She was born in Salt River horse habitat, a place where she has a legal right to live, because of intergovernmental cooperation agreements and our ...
August 8th Introducing the newest member of the Salt River herd: a beautiful healthy filly out of mare Minnie and sire Serta. She is exactly 2 weeks old today! Photo by SRWHMG Cris Becker. Most of you know and respect SRWHMG- protocol of keeping the babies out of the public spotlight, until they have surpassed ...
August 4th We are often asked, how do we keep track of all the Salt River wild horses? How do we know at all times where they are and what they are doing? Well, the truth is we don't know all the time where they are. They are still wild horses who have almost 20,000 ...
July 31st 🗓 Today is an important anniversary for the Salt River wild horses, and all who love them. On this day, July 31st, in the year 2015, a 7 day notice to impound and remove all of the Salt River wild horses was posted by the Forest Service. Today marks 6 years of preservation ...
July 29th If you like videos such as this, please really click Like, and also like our Facebook page, and click "see first" if you like to see more. Every "like" is a voice for the horses! You can also invite all of your friends to like our page! Thank you so much for your ...
July 28th We take care of a cherished resource for Arizona under contract with the AZDA and cooperation with the USFS and we are so grateful for the overwhelming support we receive from a huge majority of Americans everywhere. However, it is sad that sometimes we have to deal with negativity and ill-will against our ...
July 26th We are considering changing our name to 1-800-we-rescue-everything, lol. This adorable piggy was rescued by AZDA and was in quarantine with us. Of course we fell in love with him, so we bought him, just so that he did not have to go to livestock auction. We want to find him a really ...
July 26th The two wild horses you see here are not a mother and foal, but two brothers who's mother died last week. The big brother has compassionately taken over the care of his little brother and you can see that he is even feeding him eelgrass. You can always find them right next to ...
July 24th We did not get a drop of rain for most of the past year and a half in Salt River horse habitat. (the TNF). But now that it is finally raining, it is pouring and does not want to stop. We are so thankful for it, because the earth needs it badly, but ...
July 23rd Sharing an informative post from the official AZDA Salt River Herd page. As most of our supporters already know, our contract to manage the Salt River wild horses is under the AZDA. (Which stands for Arizona Department of Agriculture) We are so glad for their partnership and cooperation. Like most things in nature, ...
July 22nd If nature would have had it's way, Gem would have died a slow death, because at just 3 weeks old she could no longer stand up, to stay with her mother Sapphire, her Dad Shadowfax and the rest of the band. She had a broken left phalanx that was infected, which caused her ...
July 20th Simone got upstaged a little bit, during an interview with Wild Beauty Foundation, lol! They are filming a documentary about the perils that American wild horses are facing. We want to thank them for traveling from the sad and cruel Onaqui roundup in Utah, to the Tonto National Forest, where we manage wild ...
July 19th We are sharing a picture from our Advocates page that means a lot. (Salt River Wild Horses-Advocates) This is young West Wind and his older brother, they unfortunately lost their mother. (Cookie died last week of colic) West Wind is 8 months, old enough to survive, but way too young to be without ...
July 18th Colic season sucks, we are monitoring a few severe mesquite bean colic cases, but we are glad to report that Bubbles seems to have gotten over her episode. So many of you have been asking, and we really appreciate the love and concern. We do our very best to keep the public updated. ...
July 15th Today is National I love horses day!!! Click 'Like'' on our page if you love wild horses (and this song.) This was the band that played at our rally for the Heber wild horses. Every "Like" is a voice for wild horses, believe it or not. We appreciate every voice, especially these beautiful ...
July 12th Thank you everyone so much for the calls and messages about Bubbles; she was not feeling good and laying down this afternoon. Because it is colic season, we take all symptoms very seriously and our field team volunteers are with her right now, as well as our Salt River Horse liaison Makenzie. Bubbles ...
July 11th It was a very hard day today, that unfortunately ended in a colic case ending badly for this mare. (on the left). We have been monitoring her and attempted to treat her with banamine, but in spite of those efforts, she died this afternoon on the edge of the river. From watching her ...
July 7th Note the lack of vegetation. The harsh drought conditions in Arizona are unprecedented - if nature would have it, 20% of this herd would be dying off. However with millions of people visiting their habitat, that is not what anyone wants to see. One feed each day provides every single horse with ...
July 4th, evening Fireworks are illegal in National Forests and National Parks. Cut it out, people. We are sending authorities. Celebrate in a legal way. You are harming the forest and the wild horses that live there. SRWHMG.
July 4th We hope everyone is having a great time with friends and family, celebrating freedom! The horses seem to be celebrating their freedom also! The ancestors of wild horses helped us fight for our freedom, and so did we fight for theirs. Now, the Salt River wild horses are one of very few herds ...
4th of July, 2021 😀 Wild horses that are Red, White and Blue! Happy 4th of July from all of us, to all of you! Please enjoy the forest and the wild horses that live there, responsibly. ⚠️ Stage 3 fire restrictions are in effect and fireworks are never allowed in the forest. 🐴 Give ...
July 4th 🌧It actually rained this evening (July 3rd), in the horses' habitat, REAL rain, for the first time this year! (All the other times it went around the horses' habitat or was only 2 sprinkles.) The horses seemed just perplexed about it and formed several small stampedes, which was interesting. It has been so ...
July 2nd Thousands and thousands of acres of undeveloped public lands as far as the eye can see... thousands and thousands of people who deeply care about this special herd...and yet, a very petty Utah BLM, (Bureau of Land Management), adamant on their upcoming removal. While we cannot be at today's rally in Utah, we ...
June 30th As our followers know, we get very upset when people dump their pets in the Tonto National Forest. We end up rescuing these animals, but not all can be saved. Abandoning animals in the TNF is definite animal cruelty and it is illegal. One of our volunteers on road patrol noticed this "gentleman" ...
June 21st A mare on the lower Salt River named America, gets a dart in the butt, so she can spend her life free with her family, where they are enjoyed by millions of people who visit the Tonto National Forest. (Upper picture) Lower picture: Mares and stallions and babies are getting separated from their ...
Father's Day, June 20th Throughout the centuries wild horses are amazing survivors, due in large part to the fact that mustangs make incredible fathers. They watch over their offspring 24/7 and they protect them at any personal cost. This is Shadowfax with his daughter Crystal. Shadowfax is now retired and he is aging, but he ...
June 17th It's funny-- but not funny, yet it might give you a good chuckle... This lady is the example of what not to do, when you see a few Salt River wild horses just minding their own business. The horses were fine after this incident and so were the tubers. Please go easy on this ...
June 15th "The hardest part about managing wild horses is that you cannot control nature." We see the good and the bad about being wild. If you would rather not see sad news, please skip this post and go on to a happier post in the history of our page. With heavy hearts we report ...
June 9th It's not the clearest picture because he is across the river, but do you recognize him? He is almost unrecognizable because he looks so good! Picture by SRWHMG volunteer Rosa Ramsthaler, thank you Rosa! Back in February of this year, in an unprecedented field operation, AZDA, SRWHMG, and our veterinarian team, darted and ...
June 1st We are trying to do as much fire prevention as possible to keep our volunteers safe to keep our rescued horses safe and to keep the wild horses safe. We are however not allowed to spray or mow ADOT property (sides of the road) and we hope that they will do a little ...
May 31st This weekend, a man drowned in the Salt River at Sheep's Crossing and he has not been identified as of yet. It is a sad reminder that the Salt River is no lazy river. Read the news piece here The Salt River has fast flowing currents and many dangerous Eddie's. An Eddy can ...
May 31st Wild horses had to deal with crowds, with lots of trash and also some very inconsiderate people, but they are all OK. We have manned the Sheep's crossing gate (because it has no cattle guard), we have continually closed all gates to the forest that were left open, and we have fed and ...
May 31st A Salute to All Who Have Lost and to All Who Have Fought for Our Freedom, from an American Icon and Symbol of Freedom, The American Wild Horse. SRWHMG photo by SRWHMG Rick Blandford.
May 29th For people concerned with PZP, we study very closely how this herd is doing overall. We have seen no significant changes in band formations or social structures and behavior. All 2019 foals are out of mares that were darted while pregnant and both mothers and foals are a shining example of healthy and ...
May 28th Thank You to our supporters for helping to protect us from fire danger with this fire retardant! Watch 3TV AZFamily for a story about it too. You can actually use this fire retardant around your own home also! We are very happy to have a little piece of mind and we want to ...
May 26th We are creating a little miniseries about each rescued Salt River wild horse. This is the first installment about Gem, let us know what you think! They all have their story of why they needed rescue. They would have died a slow suffering death in the wild, but are now living happily ever ...
May 17th SRWHMG mission is to protect the Salt River wild horses, but now, we ourselves, need protection. The extreme and current fire danger to our Rescue care center for the Salt River wild horses has caused us to look for solutions. We learned of a really great fire retardant that can be applied ...
May 12th Blasted Covid19. It took a beloved friend tonight, Joe Osuch, standing here proudly with our ATV after he recovered it. Joe loved the wild horses and was just an overall great guy who gave back to his community. He owned Arizona 4x4 Offroad Recovery. Thank you for helping us send him lots ...
April 22nd The Heber wild horses are in grave danger‼️The Forest Service wants to reduce them to 50 horses. We need everyone to share this video for them, will you help?? 🙏 This was an amazing turnout of approximately 150-200 people, who rallied their hearts out, and we delivered 10,000 signatures for their preservation ...
April 22nd Our Facebook page has a little video snippet from an awesome rallying day here in Heber Arizona! Give a hand for our youngest advocate, Valentina, delivering YOUR ten thousand signatures directly to the Heber Overgaard field office of the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service. Valentina represents the future citizens of America who still ...
April 21st This is the only link where you can submit your comment to the horrible, terrible, very bad EA of the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, which proposes to reduce the herd to 50 horses and then let them grow back to 104 horses. (which will then all be inbred). This in fact will ...