[October 27th, 2019] National Make a Difference Day! Our volunteers make a difference!! Thank you Feed Team! Thank you Patrol Team! Thank you Care Team! Thank you Fencing Team! Thank you Darting Team! Thank you Field Team! Thank you Management team! Thank you Environmental Team! Thank you Merchandise Team! Thank you Admin Team!
In the last 5 years, the Salt River herd has grown an average of 11 to 12% of its total, per year. This is well documented by recording every death and every birth in the herd. Our documentation includes horses that have their home ranges on the SRPMIC and Frt McDowell reservations as well. We ...
In 2019 The Salt River Wild Horse Management Group (SRWHMG) and our coalition partner the American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) have worked extensively to secure long term protection for the Salt River wild horses. As 2019 comes to a close, we need to let you know that the fight for their protection is not over. ...
Here is a great place where you can buy unbelievable prints and canvases of the Salt River wild horses! (and also a few of the Onaqui wild horses and Sand Wash Basin wild horses!) By buying one of the beautiful prints, for example of Moon or of Shadowfax, or any of the others, you will ...
A big hand to the AZDA (Arizona Department of Agriculture) for this succesful catch and release of Salt River wild horses! 5 bachelor stallions had gotten themselves in a big pickle by somehow getting on some private property. They were not able to get out the way that they came, as the fencing had been ...
"I ate an occasional flower for breakfast, mesquite leaves for lunch and eelgrass for dinner. I loved my family and my freedom. I never had to run from a helicopter and was never seperated from my family. I never felt the weight of a saddle or the sting of a whip. So many people fought ...
SRP called. They are shutting off the flow of the lower Salt River by reducing the output of the Stewart Mountain Dam to 8 CFS this week. This is always a very sad time of the year for us and leaves one wondering why SRP management does not take the needs of nature and the ...
For a second drought year in a row, with your donations, we are proving that we can get the Salt River wild horses through the worst natural conditions at their highest herd count. It is not easy, it takes thousands of volunteer hours and a lot of organization and planning. It takes very careful execution ...
I am wild, I am free, I am strong, I am victorious. - Shadowfax, yesterday, October 3rd 2019. While he still has more pounds to gain, his wounds have been mended and the sparkle for life is back in his eyes. A little more time is all this old warrior needs to return to his ...
Thank you Natural Restorations and all 406 volunteers that came out this past Sunday to participate in the clean-up at Phon D Sutton recreation area at the Lower Salt River, for National Public Lands Day. What an amazing job everyone did!!!!!
This is our response to a recently published biased article calling the Salt River wild horses diseased and starving! That article appeared to be a deliberate set up and obvious scape goating of protected Salt River wild horses, who are beloved and protected by the great State of Arizona. To those who would still like ...
We regret to inform you that the horse deceased during the flood is lead stallion Half Tail. We last saw him the morning before the flood. Half Tail was the truly amazing and loving lead stallion of Killian's band. (Killian is the first born foal of 2019) He is also the father of Snow, one ...
Announcement: The lower Salt River is officially back open; the closure order in connection with the extreme release of water from Stewart Mountain dam has been terminated. We were not able to fill feed stations this week anywhere, not for Shadowfax or any other sick horses, so we have a lot of work to do ...
ALERT! We received a call from SRP. Because upper reservoirs are full, they are releasing a LOT of water from the Stewart mountain dam into the lower Salt River. UPDATE: It is now a dangerous amount of flooding (between 30,000 and 40,000 CFS) so PLEASE everyone be careful!! SRWHMG volunteers, please evacuate all rec sites, ...
Our Facebook communities are a very busy place and have certainly made a difference. We love all of the horse advocates there! It is the power of the public that has and will continue to keep these horses safe. We should not forget that important battles have been won, but that the war against the ...
Possible clinical signs of strangles (Streptococcus Equi) have been discovered and monitored in Salt River wild horses. UPDATE; a test has come back positive for S. Equi bacteria confirming strangles. Horses affected: 12 Area affected: Sheep's Crossing and Road 2.2 in the Tonto National Forest. Horse back riders please be advised that this is contagious ...
Trash and garbage can hurt wild horses! Comon and join us for a great big cleanup! Thank you Natural Restorations!
Feed stations or no feedstations, these moms are feeding their offspring the best organic meal available; healthy homegrown green spaghetti! (River eelgrass) These are not accidental pictures! Mares really do offer the eelgrass to their offspring, who don't learn how to snorkel until they are older. (We are not sure why it takes the youngens ...
In regards to injuries, it means assessing each case on an individual basis, carefully, and over time. When we observe an injury, sometimes it's a quick clear decision, sometimes it may need a veteranary opinion, and sometimes, it is only time that will tell. We document the case, we report it to AZDA and then ...
We have watched you in your years of prime, we have watched you grow old, we have monitored you for years, you overcame colic as well as many other injuries. We are watching you now struggle with abscesses on your face and a poor body condition. You don't look anything like your powerful self at ...
A domestic horse who lost it's rider was stuck in the giant reeds along the Salt River, at Phon D Sutton just now. Thanks to MCSO lake patrol and the Mesa Fire department the horse has been rescued and both horse and rider are reported to be ok! Great job everyone!! SRWHMG.
This labor day, we want to express our deep appreciation for all of our volunteers for their hard physical labor for the Salt River wild horses. They work to exhaustion, and we sometimes wonder, does anyone really have an idea of all that we do behind the scenes? For example: Our volunteers drag hundreds of ...
For a safe holiday weekend (and any after this) please help us share the following alerts! Please be aware that we have a band of wild horses frequenting the Granite Reef Rec site. It is the only area where we were never authorized to install fence and they have free access back and forth across ...
It's a great grand feast of River eelgrass! It must be filled with lots of vitamins as this is the time of year when they get very shiny! (We are going to test it!) Floating by and watching them is so peaceful, where else in the world can you experience this? Thank you, CBS5!
Do you all remember poor emaciated Rosy, who lost her mother, and was rescued per MCSO fanboat?? Look at her now! We want to thank everyone who is sponsoring her plus she can use more sponsors! To learn about how to sponsor a Salt River horse, click here. We want to thank everyone on our ...
Some people have expressed concern about "what if our supplemental feed program will influence their seasonal migrating patterns?" We give you exhibit A. These bands have already migrated down to their historic home ranges just like we said they would, feed stations or no feed stations. (We have no feed stations anywhere near this area) ...
Last week wild horse herd managers and scientist came together in Billings Montana for a 3 day birth control conference, organized by the Science and Conservation Center. Simone Netherlands, president of the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group, (SRWHMG) and Jacquelynn Hughes, AZDA Salt River Horse Liaison, presented together on the SRWHMG birth control program ...
Dear supporters. It's been a heck of a week. We want to thank all of you who called our hotline on several of these cases. We have had bad cases happen at the same time and we are still finishing up the incident reports. The foal in this video rests in peace now. Her name ...
Salt River wild horses learn to swim the day they are born. But it can get scary when they get caught in the current. We have lost a few already to drowning this year. Watch this foal make it just barely across the river with his family! It got a little scared and called out ...
"Always fight for what you believe in and give it your all, because you might just change the course of history." - Simone Netherlands It was 112 degrees on August 5th, at this rally 4 years ago, it is hard to believe that it has been that long. We were in a fight...not for our ...
We are kicking up our heals today because 1. It is raining! And 2. It is a very important anniversary today (July 31st - Aug 1st), does anyone remember? These wild horses were slated for roundup and removal exactly 4 years ago. Today they are managed for the public and by the public, by SRWHMG ...
When the Salt River is up and running at a good speed (1000 CFS) sometimes young foals can get swept away with the current, while their family band is swimming across the river. We have rescued some from the rapids before, but also, we have found some that have drowned. If the foal doesn't manage ...
As many of you know, the SRWHMG purchased a property for the purpose of giving our rescued Salt River wild horses their happily ever after. The property (along the Beeline Hwy) is a work in progress fueled by the blood, sweat and tears of our hard working SRWHMG volunteers and the generous donations of the ...
We want to thank every single person who ran for the Salt River wild horses tonight! We want to thank Shawn at Run Your Race AZ for organizing this race and for handing us a check!It will be used towards our humane birth control program in order to make sure that not one horse ever has to ...
This FB page is our page for public information, but did you know that we also have another interesting FB page? 🐴 It is a community for photographers who frequent the river, so that we can share experiences together as well as with those who don't get a chance to see the horses often. There is an ...
Getting used to water without pressure,...and then the Salt River wild horse in him comes out! What a good boy! Please share that we need sponsors for our orphan foals, in order to keep up their around the clock care, it's important for them that they are raised right! Please consider a small donation through ...
We have been looking forward to this moment for a long time! For 6 weeks our volunteers have tended to these two orphan foals day and night, each foal with their own set of complicated medical challenges. Peanut overcame two bacterial infections, C-dif and Salmonella, both extremely contagious and dangerous bacterial infections, so we have ...
On June 24th we asked YOU, the public to help get the Salt River wild horses through a tough time again this year. With the ground still depleted from last years drought and no percipitation, the horses are in between food sources. YOU, helped raise a lot of money in ONE day to get it ...
Hi everyone! We want to explain what our policy is on lost/abandoned foals, since we just ended up with yet another one!! When we find a lost foal, or someone else finds a lost foal and calls us, we never just take it out of the forest right away. Sometimes the mares are still closeby ...
Help us hope for a reuniting, because we sure aren't looking for sleepless nights again! We just ended nightwatch over Rosy and Peanut! (They are both doing fantastic). Raising orphan foals is tedious, extremely time-consuming (24hr) and very expensive!
Share for the 4th of July: Because if you are a loyal supporter of ours, you are helping us to protect a huge symbol of American Freedom and Independence. Have a safe and happy Independence Day everyone! SRWHMG
Wishing our supporters a good morning, and a beautiful day from the Enchanted Forest where Salt River wild horses are sleeping in this morning! This Forest is alive with the sound of wild horses! https://www.facebook.com/saltriverwildhorsemanagementgroup/videos/375234086467160/
Hi everyone, how was your weekend? Our weekend was great! Among other things, our volunteers accomplished the following: Our Road Patrol Team 🚘helped several bands to safer areas, our Feed Team 🐴stocked 6 strategic feed stations with certified weed free alfalfa, our Fencing Team🚧 repaired 2 damaged pieces of fence, our Field Team monitored and documented 2 injuries🐎🐎 and ...
The third and final race of the Night Mare series by Run Your Race AZ supporting the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group is coming up Friday July 26th! (If you aren't a runner, you are welcome to come out and walk as well, and doggies too!) Race takes place at AZ Falls, located at ...
Stop by Culver's this week July 1st thru July 7th and enjoy a meal or dessert and show your support. Just let the cashier know you're there to support the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group.
Her hernia surgery was successful and she is recovering! She is not comfortable yet, but our volunteers are keeping her company so that she has familiar people around, and Chapparel is giving her expert and around the clock care, plus she is in an air conditioned stall! (If you'd like to sponsor Rosy, please go ...
We consider, with fires raging, drought persisting, and ominous smoke all around us, that it is a very good thing that the Salt River wild horses keep the dry vegetation down in the Salt River habitat. However, for lack of rain, the ground has turned back to desert sand; and the horses are in a ...
We have some very exciting news to share.. Do you remember back on May 31, 2019, we mentioned how one of our PZP darters had ended up turned over by an eddy and went under along with our pzp dart gun? Colton of The Riveraholics reached out to us to find out more details about ...
Do you shop on Amazon? Did you know that last quarter Salt River Wild Horse Management Group raised $544.22 thanks to supporters shopping at smile.amazon.com? Help raise money for Salt River Wild Horse Management Group at no cost to you simply by shopping on AmazonSmile! Enjoy your shopping & support who you love - The Salt ...
Please be aware if you enjoy time at the Tonto National Forest. Fire restrictions went into effect on Saturday June 14, 2019. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE TONTO NATIONAL FOREST Stage I Fire Restrictions Date(s): Jun 14, 2019 - Aug 30, 2019 Hot temperatures and increased fire danger have prompted fire officials to ...
Friday June 28th, is race #2 in the Night Mare Series. Everyone that came out for the first race had a great time and there's still time to sign up for race 2 & 3 in the series! Just click on this event for all details, the medals are very cool!! And please, stop by ...
Watch this spectacular, up close video, of a foal being born wild and free! This is why it is so important to give wild horses their space! This video shows, with astounding clarity, the very important bonding process of how the foal struggles and copes with her first few hours of life. Watch the family ...
Fire is so scary. The Forest is so dry. Please be ever so careful. "A human-caused wildfire that was sparked Friday in the Tonto National Forest had grown to 7,225 acres with no containment by late Saturday morning, officials said. A mandatory evacuation order was issued Saturday for camping areas around Bartlett Lake, fire spokeswoman ...
Rosy was without her mother (deceased) for a long time before we could rescue her, apparently even longer than we thought. She has received plasma and hydration initially and got another bag of fluids today. She is hanging inthere, with hour by hour close care even throughout the night. We need your support for her! ...
SALT RIVER, AZ (3TV/CBS5) — A baby horse whose mother died on the Salt River has been rescued and is now safe. The 8-week-old foal, Rosy, was found alone after the apparent death of her mother, who was known as the oldest mare in the Salt River herd. She was 25. The Salt River Wild …
How time flies when you are doing the right thing! One year ago we were hired by the State of Arizona to do the very important job of humanely managing the Salt River wild horses. We have accomplished soo much in that time! We never said humane wild horse management would be easy, but we ...
Managing wild horses is an adventure every single day, but for SRWHMG darter Cindy S, the river got a little too wild this time! Her kayak flipped over, when the PZP team was trying to cross the river, to find one of the oldest mares, a very important PZP candidate! Cindy had a frightening experience, ...
Moving notice: Hello, we are the Butcher Jones horses, we have moved. Our old address is Butcher Jones beach. We made a lot of memories there, but it was not a good place for us anymore. It was so crowded with people there, and we had a hard time getting to the water and staying ...
He is by no means out of the woods yet, but he is so happy to be back in his large stall and play area, and we are so glad to be able to continue his medical care here at our facility, with our many amazing volunteer care experts. He has something bacterial going on, ...
Poor little Peanut is at the vet!! He was doing so great when all of a sudden he started having the squirts diarrhea (excuse the word) and running a fever. Since we do not want to take any risks with him, we brought him to the vet right away for bloodwork and bacterial testing. He ...
We waited in the forest with him for 5 hours, in case his mare and his band came back; our field team searched for 2 days everywhere; and we asked photographers for help on our pages,..but now we may have to accept that this little peanut will need a new family, plus day and night ...
Do you guys all remember Old Lady's rescue last year? The first photo is a few days after we had brought her to our SRWHMG facility. We very carefully rehabilitated her through a well planned nutrition program. We think it's important to give our rescues a life that closely resembles that of the wild, by ...
Support Salt River Wild Horse Management Group with Fry's Community Rewards Shopping Did you know you can support Salt River Wild Horse Mgmt Group just by shopping at Fry's? It's easy when you enroll in Fry's Community Rewards! To get started click on this link, https://www.frysfood.com/topic/new-community-rewards-program and follow the directions to link your VIP card ...
Does anyone remember this helicopter that we were concerned about? Well we have to give H5 Helicopter company a lot of credit for changing and adjusting their procedures to protect wild horses, plus helping us out in a big way! They were most gracious in their response to a pretty harsh public lashing. In a ...
The traveling herd consists of 4 different bands that all like to hang out in each others proximity for safety. There are two foals; one 4 week old and a tiny one week old, both are girls. The first day on the other side of Bush Highway was confusing for them, (they have lived at ...
Can anyone imagine where the Salt River wild horses would be without her? To celebrate, please contribute just a few dollars to her fundraiser. It will go towards the #bringthemhome relocation project of the Butcher Jones horses. It is very expensive with new loads of water deliveries every evening and many more water troughs needed. ...
Here he is, then and now. He was born with ashes falling all around him and had a bad cough his first few weeks. Now a happy Salt River wild horse and a beautiful one at that. He is the darkest horse we have on the river. There are no black Salt River wild horses. ...
This is a 2013 picture of the Butcher Jones horses at the river by SRWHMG photographer Susie Westerfelt. The Butcher Jones horses were driven across Bush hwy sometime in 2014 by some unauthorized cowboys and they became stuck on the Butcher Jones side without access to the River. They survived there because of the watertanks ...
Celebrating Earth Day by helping to make the Lower Salt River a better place for all species! Salt River Wild Horse Management Group participated in Natural Restorations Earth Day Clean up today at Phon D Sutton recreation area. “The Earth is a fine place and worth fighting for.” —Ernest Hemingway SRWHMG will continue to fight ...
And yes, we celebrate each horses birthday with carrotcake and the (half in tune half not) birthday song! : ) Do you know what she would like for her birthday? Sponsors! Sponsors are people who make it possible for us to buy her favorite things, they make it possible for her to have a leisurely ...
Ultra 24 is a milk replacer that we have used with all our wild rescue babies. Our boys are growing up but they still need their milk replacer twice a day! Would you help Salt River Wild Horse Management with a gift of Ultra 24 or a Tractor Supply gift card from our Amazon Wish ...
In this sandy clearing in the forest, wild horses come to roll. It seems to be contagious, even the foal gives it a try after watching his family. Wild horses take sandbaths to protect them from biting insects, but they also do it just because it feels good. The yawning is a release of pressure ...
Do you see him? We almost didn't! Please beware, rattlers are out and about everywhere in the TNF. They have been seen by our volunteers (who are wearing snakeboots) in every recreation site along Bush Hwy. This one was hiding at Coon Bluff. It's a wild world outthere!
Did you know? The SRWHMG is on it's way to Utah to save the Onaqui wild horses together with AWHC! We have a very reasonable proposal for the BLM which includes an intensive fertility control plan. Don't worry, we've left enough people in the field in the TNF for emergencies and monitoring. Will you help ...
Today is AZ gives Day! There are many ways to donate! This is probably the easiest one and fb takes no percentage! We need your help to continue to prove what we have always said: "This Herd Can Be Managed For the Public and By the Public!" With your financial support, you will become a ...
We are committed to offering solutions so wild horses can stay free! SRWHMG and AWHC have several certified darters who would dedicate time to dart the Onaqui herd to bring the population down without removals. That is the proposal we are bringing, we will have a meeting there with the BLM Utah State director and ...
Today something wild and crazy happened and we hope that these pictures will tell the story. This foal in these pictures, she is only a week and 2 days old, she doesn't belong to any of these bands of horses in the pictures. She had lost her band, and these are bachelors (young studs) running ...
Feel like going for a run for a great cause? RunYourRace AZ is raising funds for the SRWHMG with 3 night races, called the Night mare series. The First Night Mare 5k Race is on Friday, May 24, 2019. The race takes place at AZ Falls, locates At 5802 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix, AZ ...
📣**Ok everyone, let's do this together!*** Let's prove once again how these wild horses are managed for and by the public!!*** Let's see how much we can fundraise for these signs, just on this page, just on fb. (Fb does not charge like other fundraising sites) Each one of these signs in a large size ...
Sharing from our Advocates page * Guidelines for new foals: Salt River wild horses are incredibly popular. This is what in fact saved them. But it is a two sided coin sometimes. Can the public possibly love them too much? We want things to stay safe for horses and safe for people. It is foaling ...
As most locals know, Bush Hwy runs directly through Salt River wild horse habitat, with the Salt River on one side and their grazing grounds on the other. We have been having meetings with MCDOT for more safety improvements to the road, and last year some of these improvements were added, such as the horse ...
For immediate release: Salt River Wild Horse Management Group sets precedent humanely managing wild horses, but needs help from the public. Tonto National Forest, Mesa, Ariz. (March 7th, 2018) —Multitudes of people visit the lower Salt River in the Tonto National Forest, to see the Salt River wild horses. These beautiful wild animals are managed ...
**Mare rescued from drowning in AZ canal, gives birth to healthy foal!** It was a traumatic rescue on May 20th 2018, when SRWHMG and 14 firefighters helped pull Felicity and Iggy out of the AZ canal. Afterwords, we did not know if Felicity would make it because she had inhaled a lot of water (which ...
Worth the saving? Rescue highlight: This is Snow, orphaned in the wild, almost died from acidosis combined with anemia (mesquite bean poisoning). Needed initial fluids and plasma treatments then special feedings every hour around the clock for weeks. Raised in a living room. Now 7 months old and loving life together with his best buddy ...
Maximizing our productivity! It was a very very busy weekend for all of us at the SRWHMG! Luckily we are able to split into several different teams to cover all positions in a lot of different places; we have a team for Bush Hwy patrol, a team at the parade and our sales booth, the ...
Beware: This helicopter, registered to Sabercat Productions and flown by N5 helicopters in Scottsdale, appears to come to the lower Salt River often for the purpose of chasing and harassing Salt River wild horses, who are protected pursuant to A.R.S. 3-1491. These pictures were taken this past Sunday, February 17th when this helicopter flew very ...
Our mission is to protect and humanely manage the Salt River wild horses. Improving the habitat they live in is an important and never ending part of that mission. On a daily basis, our volunteers cleanup downed barbed wire, remove old stakes, pick up fishing line, remove nails from fire pits, collect bullets and lots ...
Spread love and kindness; this is basically our attitude all year long and we hope that it catches on MORE. Why not make the world a better place wherever and whenever you can? ❣ This is Red Beauty, a wild horse who was not making it in the wild. 🐎 He was going to die ...
We made a post the other day about humane wild horse management and what that means exactly. 4.9k supporters liked that post which was about Squiggle, one of the oldest mares on the Salt River. Now we want to share something equally special with you; the first foal of 2019!! Coincidentily this foal was born ...